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Me Too - Movement against harassment and sexual violence.

Women from all over the world have and will stand up to fight for economic, social, and political equality between the sexes, also known as "feminists". This definition is commonly known in the west, where women's abilities are greatly limited. In the past, men would have had better access to education and jobs than women.



In some places women have to cover their faces in public, are not allowed to do business without a male representative, they are not allowed to control their children without the consent of their husbands. Sadly until now this situation still occurs in some places. These are absolutely the same things that happened in my country. So I would like to share some information and my views on the Me too movement.

How was this movement started?

  • The first woman to stand up for equal rights for women was Coco Chanel through her breakthrough designs. What she wants is expressed through innovative, liberal designs that transcend previous frameworks.
  • However, it was not until 2017 that "feminism" had a great and wide influence on people all over the world, especially women. That is an important milestone of the Me too movement. Although this movement was started in 2006 by Tarana Burke, she got the idea for the phrase "Me too" after hearing a 13-year-old girl talk about her being sexually abused. then she wished she could tell her "Me too".

First time I can remember being sexually assaulted I was 9 years old. I told no one and lived with the shame and guilt thinking all along that I, a 9 year old child, was somehow responsible for the actions of a grown man.

  • The biggest reason why the Me too movement became famous and influential was after Hollywood actor Harvey Weinstein was accused by a series of women of sexual harassment.



The name Me too originated when actress Harvey Weinstein encouraged women who had been sexually harassed to speak up on twitter

if you've been sexually harassed or assaulted write 'me too' as a reply to this tweet

After that, the movement was responded to and spread on social networks, and more and more women spoke up to share their stories.

What is the purpose of this movement?

  • The main purpose that the "me too" movement broke out is as a support for women to stand up for their rights to equal equality for themselves, and to speak out against the harassment they have encountered. must in life or work, thereby protecting themselves.
  • In addition, the movement also helps those who have experienced sexual harassment but they do not dare to publicly denounce, gain motivation to bravely fight back for their rights.
  • Another meaning of the Metoo movement is to educate women with more experience to protect themselves, and also to warn men who sexually harass and abuse women

What is the downside of this movement?

  • There is a sad truth, it is the women who misunderstand the meaning of this movement. They become overreacted, overly cautious when interacting with and communicating with the opposite sex. This is creating an invisible wall separating them from others, causing them to separate themselves from everyone else.
  • There have been many men who feel heavy and awkward when interacting with women, they are afraid to greet each other, work together, go on a business trip, exchange or party. Because they are afraid that they will be in unnecessary danger.

My personal opinion

I have witnessed many cases where women have been treated unfairly. It seems that in all cases, right or wrong, their opinions, views, and preferences don't seem so necessary to get attention. It would be a bad day for you to come up with an idea and design a complete blueprint to run an ad for a skin cream product. But when faced with a plan with a similar theme designed by a male colleague, your plan is obviously listed as a consider instead of being reviewed and evaluated by your superiors. Or there are women who have been sexually assaulted, instead of thinking about denouncing the perpetrator, the first thought that comes to their mind is gossip, rejection, discrimination from others. It would be an extremely cruel thing for a woman to be offended both physically and mentally. They are desperate but cannot find a way out for themselves.

The fact that there are a few people, even many women standing up bravely to defend their rights is like a light shining into the dark lives of women who always have to live in resignation. Looking further into the future, the struggle for their rights is also a premise for their own children to live in a civilized, more open society, with no more or less encounters with the situation. deadlock as they had suffered. a society in which women are also treated equally, and their rights are always guaranteed.
I would want to hear your opinion about this matter.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.