
There are certain things in which you can do, there are some also in which we can't one thing is that we really think that we cannot. Along the long run we would also by God's Grace see ourselves doing those things.
Years i have been a girl who always says with my Family and it is really amazing. Also working hands in hands for things. This kind of thing can really be comfortable and comfortable enough to think that it's really the pattern. One thing is that something's can be handled alone and can be solved and passed through but seeing many people around can really make us feel it can't but without we seeing ourselves fast forwarding in them.

Being clingy and moreso school really changed some narrative and am glad am adapting. I now know i how to plan, cater and manage myself very well. Plan ahead and try placing things in line on how tvey are really supposed to be. If you don't do it yourself, adhere to the right path and know really how to manage yourself people won't come from there own lane to do it for you so you really ought to do it for you.
Though you are being given but you also need a bit of work to engage in for extra expenses in which might really come to you. School really set a teo way path to me you can follow the good way and on the other hand you can also follow up the bad way it's a realization that really have to taste you in as much as you are not being watch how you can behave and i really learnt to always be you no matter where you are. I saw and keep seeing things from different angles and it really done on me that we should always have a welcoming hands and condone other people in ways they might feel and there different opinions.

Adapting is really a good thing we should always be open to learning new things which is very helpful in places.
This is my entry to the #ladies of hive# 190 Contest
Images are mine

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