LOH Contest 171- The Bold and Beautiful

What would you like to say to young women today, what advice would you give them?

Today's young women are mothers of tommorow. So any task undertaken and executed by women is a challenge. Greetings to all those challenging ladies of Hivean community.

Today's women are bold and beautiful, nevertheless like yesteryears, where they kept a low profile. But their is one thing lacking in today's women ie., doing things in haste and repenting later.

When I was young, I was never allowed to do things of my choice. It was not my parent's fault, but the society we lived in, was to blame. Now-a-days, the children are given more space to take decisions on their own. Just that, utilize in a proper manner.

Most young women are aware of their rights and wrongs. Though aware, few advice can be considered.

Focusing on a tiny creature to grab

  • Be Focused : Though many are of the attitude "I don't care", few are God-fearing. Maybe you are a student or may be working or married, focus on what you do and bring out the best in you, as too many eyes and ears around you are waiting to find faults.

After long hours of patience, the cat jumped out through the window

  • Patience - This characteristics trait, is the one missing in most women. Inorder to get the much awaited result they jump into unwanted conclusions and later end up in problems. Sooner or later, you will get the reward you deserve.

The cat trying to come down after being held in the coconut tree for an hour.

  • Never give up - Whether its personal or professional, facing a crucial situation can weaken us very fast. In response to such situations, you must be bold enough to retaliate. This doesn't mean, to retaliate in a harsh manner, sort out in a manner to find a final solution to it.

  • Learn to dothings on your own -Dependence is a habit. Once, we know someone is there to help us, at our call, we become lazy to learn. And keep on depending, until we learn our lesson. Make it possible, the other way round. Let others learn from you.

  • Never hesitate to ask for help - The more late you are, the more complex the situation can lead to. So never hesitate, their will be too many helping hands, on just one click.

  • Martial arts - Due to increasing crime rates against women, universally, I suggest you to learn and be equipped with any kind of martial art, for your own self defense.

  • Hobby - In most workplace, we find women are working in par with men, for long hours. And this being continued at home, which ultimately leads to stress. Hence, to overcome stress, its necessary to find a hobby of your choice.

Gatherings with friends on weekends, to refresh your mind, should be made compulsory in your agenda. Apart from this, famly and friends to be given equal importance.

No one is perfect in this world, but you can set an example for the next generation by doing little things that makes yourself and others happy. Keep moving forward ---- by reminding yourself, after each sunset, their is a sunrise.

The photos captured herein are my own.

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