LOH Contest 168: Best days in my life

Wishing all the ladies of Hive in this community, a wonderful day ahead. This weeks questions by @joanstewart seems to compete one another at its best. I choose to option the question bwlow:

3️⃣ Discriptive best day in your life so far — childhood, holiday, wedding, children, any day you feel made you the happiest.
A specific time when you found something profoundly affected your way of thinking, changed you, or simply made you happy!

As new year approaches, the planning will start to do this or to do that in the coming year. Some are lucky as thjngs go according to plans while some are not .

Childhood days were the most memorable days. Nostalgic memories just flow in. The age were priorities, love and respect took over Technologies and stress. Themoment I spoke about nostalgia memories of - swings tied to the mango tree in my garden, the first colour television at my neighbourhood, making paper boats during rainy season, most often punished by the teacher to stand outside the class for not doing the homework, escapism from studies during power cut at night, a time when all friends gather in the ground during power cut to play games - all these memories just flashed up in my mind.

But the most memorable moment was sitting and watching series in television with parents, brother and sister. It was a time, when we had television with just one channel - the Doordarshan. Now rarely can we see this scenario as all are stuck up in mobile with their favorite programmes - both young and old.

Memories can never be replaced. A short trip with family to Ooty hill station, South India.

Holiday - The best holiday that I could ever forget was with my family to a far off place. A day's journey by train. After years, I went back to the place where I was brought up and educated. I went to the house, once my home, now occupied by strangers. With their permission I entered their home and showed my children the home where I spent years of happiness. I couldn't control my tears. The strangers were happy enough to welcome me and my family and offered us some snacks and tea. Those were unforgettable moments. The best day in my life.

Wedding - In short a license, where you get to live with a stranger. In our custom, once the girl get married, she has to go to her husband's home and by evening back to the bride's home. And the next day, relatives from the bridegroom family visit the bride's home and take the newly weds to the groom's house, once and for all.

When I went to my new home, I saw too many new faces. It was such an embarrassing situation and my husband took me to the room and assured me, that Iam in safe hands. I was happy to hear that. A strength indeed.

Children - They are the most precious gift, we parents have. My two children are University students and another just placed with a job. By Almighty's grace until now I haven't got any bad mark about them either from public or educational institution. To a certain extent, Iam happy and thankful to Almighty .

There were several moments that made me happy as a wife and as a mother. Somethings we don't expect but when it happens, the moments ca never be expressed in words.

The photo captured is my own from one of our travel destination.

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