#162 LOH contest

Do you believe in lifelong fidelity?

Any relationship is based on trust. Be it personal or professional. Relations make or break in the name of fidelity. Its like an inheritance, where one expects the other to carry it forward.

A wedding stage where two hearts unite to share the happiness and pain, in the presence of thousands of people

When you talk about marital relationship, most relation break due to infidelity. Personally speaking, in a marital relationship, I am a person who doesn't want to step out of the shoe of fidelity. But then, their were instances when I had to break this rules for few reasons, not always but rarely.

Firstly, though I had a lucrative job, I had no financial freedom. Anyway I cannot blame my partner either, as we were struggling to meet our ends. In the initial stages, both of us had a lot of commitment. Obviously, I was denied this so called financial freedom. So I forcibly took the decision to keep a secret saving. That was an amazing challenge when we were faced with financial crisis, because the secret savings helped us cover a lot of problems. Though I knew I broke my partners trust, his appreciation made me feel "everything happens for good".

Secondly, when I was too sincere in my profession but was denied a reasonable increment. Being sincere and harworking and getting repeated stabs, makes us think negatively. For this reason I had to give up my favorite job without prior notification.

Which would you prefer: to be able to see the future or to be able to see the past?

Past is a beautiful lesson while future is a rectification of the past. Its in human nature to never repeat a mistake made in the past. In that case I prefer to see the future which might sometimes prove to be fruitful or sometimes end up with an eerie experience.

But then every sunrise has a new beginning to expect the best or the worst.

Photos captured and posted are my own, unless otherwise stated.

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