Meeting a long lost friend? - Ladies of Hive Community Contest #120

In a few days it will be Valentine's Day. Most of the marketing for that day focuses on couples, but we must not forget that Friendship Day is also celebrated. Do you have a special friend you would like to celebrate with? What would you like to do together? What would you give that person as a gift?

The above question is from the Ladies of Hive community where women empower one another. The above is the one I chose to answer for this week's contest. if you would like to participate, please click the above link and answer it as a hive blog.

There has been so many girl - friends who have been very kind and friendly to me since childhood. Many went their different ways when we moved from place to place but the one person whom I would love to meet again and perhaps give a gift would be Nisha Checha John. She was my friend and companion and stood by me during the most difficult times when my dad passed away. Through the coming years, she was there for me all the time, and even during my marriage, she took a few days off from her studies and helped us in the preparations, and even did my make-up.

After marriage, I moved to the village but her parents invited me to her wedding, which we all attended. I lost touch with her after that and if I got a chance I would want to meet her again and have a good time.

What would we do together?
I think I would take her around the city we grew up in and spend the day having fun. I would also treat her to a great feast. I am sure she is somewhere enjoying her family life.

When I read the post by Ladies of Hive, the first person to come to my mind was Nisha. Let her be like I remember her, as a young girl full of smiles and no attitude at all. People who do not have egos or attitudes are rare to find. If you have such a friend, please do not lose touch with them.

In our days, there were no personal mobile phones. Even though it had been released, only very few people had access and incoming calls also cost a lot. I had moved off to another remote village and gradually lost contact with her. Nisha too became busy with her studies.

Years have passed and now I am active on Hive and have made many friends here. Even though I have not met them in real life, I know I can connect with them more than some of my so-called relatives who do not know me at all. Well, that is life.

There are people whom you meet in your life journey who you can call dear friends but some are just shallow and do not go more than skin deep. You have to be careful about sharing information with such people. So, always be careful when talking and think twice before sharing any detail and never share your hive keys.

Valentine's day is nearing and of course, it is now a marketing technique. So, if you are planning to buy anything for your loved ones, why not try making them a gift yourself or buy it from a person who does this for a living from home? It would be helpful to them.

I would like to invite @nainaztengra and @afrinsultana to participate in this contest.

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Footer and divider images - LOH community on discord

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