

It's been a rocky week for me and having to write about this golden topic just calms down my bones in a very exciting and intricate way.

Passion is a pain killer.
It's what keeps me going against all odds. I am passionate about a number of things in my life which have turned me into the woman I am now but for the sake of this article, I'll share a little with you.

They are what I call The fire shut up in my bones

Music & Singing



I've been in love with Singing and Music ever since I was a little girl. My Mum would always take my elder sister and I to her Choir rehearsals because there was no one to take care of us at home during those periods that she'd be in Church.

Little did she know that she was planting a seed in us that will germinate and produce fruits in hundred folds.

She is so passionate about music and have been a Music Director for over 20 years. She would say to us "I don't know what I would have been doing other than to serve God with Music."

Music is more than music.

It's a spirit, it's a calling.

It's more than the lyrics or the sound but it's about the message it conveys and the communication of that message.

Music communicates spirits and singing is the vehicle.
As long as I'm singing, the whole world tends to stand still as I envelop myself in my melody.... There's nothing like it in the world.

Soul Winning



All I live for is to tell men about Jesus. To tell them about the extraordinary love of God embodied in Jesus, the eternal life He has made available to everyone on earth through His vicarious death on the Cross and lead them to Christ.
Shocked I presume? šŸ™ƒ
I know you probably were expecting me to say something else like Writing or Programming or Marketing which are still my passions but this one is what defines my essence of which I am unapologetic about. I say it anywhere, anytime, anyway.

Christ is my life. He has so beautified my life that I'd be doing a great disservice if I keep it to myself, withholding it from others to benefit from.
The whole world needs to know about Him and about His overwhelming love and grace that can change a sinner to a righteous man just by believing and confessing Him and make him a god in the earth with the very life and nature of Almighty God in him.

This is so beautiful šŸ˜

I'll stop here for now. Maybe in a future post, I'll talk about my other passions I listed above as time permits.šŸ¤—

Till we meet again...

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