RE: I Want To Know The Light And The Dark And The Full Rainbow In Between!

I relate to your experience a lot when it comes to writing as a young child 😊At school my essays were always an exploration of philosophy, society, morality. Sometimes discursive, sometimes encased within a short story. Always searching through my own writing... I would ask myself questions and challenge myself to answer them through poetry, literary essays. The more I allowed my mind, and soul I guess, to wander and ruminate, the deeper my questions became. I read...a lot! I read widely too. It has always been a great joy of mine to read autobiographical works; to absorb the life experience shared between pages. And I have always loved to write. But you know what, this year was the first time that I have put myself out there in front of the public and just followed by passion, and not worried one iota about whether anybody will like the voice with which I speak. I write first and foremost for myself, and if others perchance derive some joy or learning experience out of it too, then that makes me even happier. And if people want to engage with me over my publications, their own or those of a 3rd party, even better. We all learn and grow together, especially in the comments 😜😍But I like my voice and I am not afraid to use it...and I think that is what matters the most. Thank you for an awesome post. @trucklife-family. !PIZZA

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