RE: He's in love with my mother! LOH #184

the recipe for a successful mother. That she be fully loved, fully supported, and fully appreciated.

šŸ‘† THIS šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—

You are an amazing mom who raised incredible children. You're an inspiration to me, and you are one of my biggest supporters. Your encouragement and guidance is ... wait a sec... we like peanuts, right? šŸ˜‚ but seriously... I am blessed to do life with you, my friend. Having mom friends like you who get it and share from their own experience is so invaluable. And you do it with so much heart!!

... and I can just picture your mom and dad... and I mean I really can hehe... that's a special kind of love šŸ’•

ps: I love that healthy-looking plate of food! This makes me happy.

Love you Ms. Dreems



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