Fun Out With My Girls ~` LOH#146

When was the last time you got out for the day and enjoyed being with friends and doing something fun that you wanted to do?



Going out for fun is something one should endeavor to do from time to time. Sadly, that's not usually the case as it's just so sad to see that most of us have very demanding jobs. It will be very good if you are your own boss as it would be very easy to just as time off and enjoy yourself with friends but when you work for people, most of them would want to use every last strength in your body.

It's been a while since I have gone out with friends, if I can recall it should be about 2 years now. I had wanted to go see this new place I heard about. Though a bit far from my place but from the reviews I got from people who had visited the place, it sounded like I will have lots of fun there. I called my two beautiful friends to come along and they were down with it so we fixed a date we will be going.

The funny thing was I almost canceled at the last minute due to work or should I say I would have canceled if not for my friends. I tried calling them to cancel and surprisingly both of them did not pick up. I left them messages and they didn't reply.

Very early in the morning of the day, we were to go, they came to my house and dragged me out. They said they knew I might come up with an excuse and cancel so that was why they didn't call me back. They also said and I quote "Come rain or sunshine, we are going out to have fun. Work can wait" 😃😃😃😃. So I had no choice but to get myself ready because well I know when they put their mind to something, they will achieve it. So I knew that there is nothing I can do but go.



When we got there, it was indeed as wonderful as the reviews. They had swimming pools, slides, and lots of games to play. I had so much fun that I wished I could just stay there forever. I'm glad for these beautiful souls I have in my corner for if I hadn't gone that day, I knew that I would keep putting it off till I won't be able to go again.

It's not like I don't like going out to have fun but time is not my friend at times. Sometimes, I would have a lot to do that when I finally have time to rest, I would prefer a "Me Time" where I would just sleep and forget that the world exists. But I am happy to have friends that reminds me that there is more to life than just working. Now we are making preparations to go out sometime soon and I can't wait to have fun with them.

Thank you all for reading.

This is my entry to the first question posed by @jamerussell in the @ladiesofhive week#146 contest. You can also join in by clicking Here .

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