It's not in the plan, but trying fermented honey and garlic as a home remedy is the best thing I ever did!

I experienced a pain in the back, just recently, that was a week ago. I'm not really good at explaining which part of the body, but it's on the upper part. I experienced it for four days. At first, I just ignored it. But it's hard to completely do that, especially if I lean my back against the headboard of my bed. It becomes more noticeable, and even if I ignore it, I can't help but think about it deep inside. You know, like overthinking and all.

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I'm also thinking that what if it is a serious one that needs attention? I even question if this will be the cause of my death, haha, I really want to know. Until all of the thoughts in my head scrambled and I had to stop or else I might go crazy, haha.

Anyways, I also had to do some small research using Google. After seeing the result and after reading one sentence, I just stopped and continued what I'm doing. I thought of taking a pain reliever for it, but after assessing the pain, it is not that severe, and it's actually bearable. I can even do more heavy stuff with it. Actually, the pain is just like pricking me at times. It's not a continuous pain. So I ignore it more.


I know to myself that I should give more attention to it, especially since there's a big chance that the pain I am experiencing is because of something serious and I might really regret it later. But I still don't really know what to do, especially since I still have one problem that I haven't solved yet. Maybe it can wait for later, I also think that.

And deep inside my head, I am also thinking that it can't be that serious. If the reason why it is painful is because of the nonstop cough I'm experiencing, I am already taking medicine for that. The cough is gone now, in fact, I only cough when I eat something sweet. Sorry, I can't really say no to sweet treats (≧▽≦). I can take not drinking cold drinks because I don't really drink cold drinks to begin with, but not if it's chocolate, chocolate cake, a custard, a tart, or a pie! It's hard to resist them you see.

Anyhow, prior to this, Mother decided to order some honey online. She's planning to make that fermented honey and garlic, like the one I've been seeing on Facebook of people soaking garlic in honey and eating it. Raw garlic is even better, so that's what mom planned to do. To be honest, I don't even have a plan to eat that. Just imagining the strong taste and smell of raw garlic is enough to make me shake my head. I was like, "No, no, no!"

When the honey arrived, I then did further research about it, and more people are actually making this honey garlic remedy, as they call it. And based on what I read, it is a good remedy for infections and inflammation, as well as for coughs and colds. Another thing is that it can boost anyone's immune system, making it a good remedy for everyone. And I was like, So it is this powerful. Because I really found this combination a bit weird, it's okay if it's a flavor in a fried chicken, but it's different if we eat it raw.


So, here's Mom's Honey Garlic Medicine. I called it that because it's a remedy, you know. It's been sitting here for four days, and that's when we decided to try it. It should be soaked for a long time before consumption, but Mom can't really wait. And I don't have a plan to try it, but Mom was able to convince me. So I tried it, and this is the fourth time that I am also taking it.


I only eat it once a day, every morning, with an empty stomach. And you know what's making me really take it seriously? It's the fact that after taking it only for one day, the pain in my back disappeared. It's like magic, maybe it's already in the process of healing and will only take effect after taking the honey and garlic, but for me, this remedy is effective. Thanks to this too, I can smell and taste my foods. Not all the time, though, it wears off the effect after some time, but still, the fact that I can smell and taste again shows that it's really a good remedy for me.


Mother, because she has hypertension, takes them three times a day with a small clove of garlic. She said that it was also effective for her. She doesn't experience high blood pressure these days. But I'm just curious if there's a high chance that we can get high levels of blood sugar with this. So I also looked at it on Google. And it says that although it has a lower glycemic index, it still contains sugar, so there's a chance.


Mom said that while taking it, she saw her urine get foamy, and she got afraid of it. At first, I really thought it was due to the high level of sugar, but there could be other reasons too, like being dehydrated and not drinking more water, that's what google said. But she always drinks water every time. Another is if she has too much protein, such as albumin. I didn't really know what that was, but this could be the reason.


Either way, she already did some research on it and is just applying to herself what she discovered. As for me, I will take this honey garlic for 7 days only. This is the suggested days to take it to the source I read in google. And I feel so much better now, so let's see where this will take me.

So, how about you guys? Any experience with the Honey Garlic Remedy? Have you tried this one already? If so, what can you say about it?


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