Order your space to order your mind

Order your space to order your mind

Create space of harmony and peace

Our home must be a space where we find peace and not stress, we have to constantly ask ourselves if our space works for us or if we are here to serve our space, that is, when our space works for us, that means that in the place we find harmony, it also means that it is a place where we can rest and from there create and face the world.

If we're stuck to our space, that means we're wasting a lot of time, money, and energy taking care of things by cleaning, doing repairs, or even overworking to pay a mortgage or overpriced rent that we don't need, but don't worry, We can do many things to improve our space and return to a place where we find peace instead of stress.

Free spaces
One of the things that we can do is put away the devices that we are not using, such as processors, toasters, juicers, or any device that we use sometimes, it is better to do that because in the first place if we leave them outside all the time they will get dirty and you have to clean them, and that takes time, secondly because they look ugly and I wouldn't like to be looking at them all day and thirdly because it takes up space especially when we have a small kitchen.

So I prefer to keep it and take it out when I really need it. Think about your home if you have this type of device that you could keep, even if you use it daily, and in this way, create more space, have less cleaning and make your home look more free of things

Organized Closets
Another thing we can do is take out of our closet what we do not need, the problem with the closet is that many times we believe that we need a bigger one because the things we have do not fit, but the problem itself is that we have many things that We don't need it, I've been trying to be a minimalist for several years, but my husband is just making these changes in his life and finally decided to order his part of the closet.

One way in which we avoided conflict was me having mine on one side and him on his, two weeks ago, he already decided to take out those things that he did not use, such as skirts and suits, he is happy with his space and so am I.

And I would like to tell you that please do not think that you have to move house because you need a bigger closet, I really believe that the closets we have can store what we really need if we are very selective with these things, give away, or donate those objects that you no longer need and try not to continue buying because otherwise the problem will continue to get bigger and bigger.

Don't order things you don't need
The next thing we can do is never organize something we don't need, many times in our space there are places that are tidy, but just because they're tidy doesn't mean they're free of things we don't need, for example, that happens to me a lot with a file drawer, we usually keep everything we see out here and it tends to get cluttered, but what's the point of tidying up papers I don't need if that's just going to take up time.

If at home you spend time ordering and organizing certain objects that no longer give you pleasure, you better consider getting rid of them so that you can recover time, do not waste your energy and good that your space has more Peace.

Reuse, give or donate, the planet will be a better place
If you have items at home that are hard to get rid of, ask yourself if the benefit you get from those items is greater than the cost of having them.

I remember that my mom had a wall full of dishes that she had to remove at least once a month to clean them, put them out to dry afterwards, hang them up again, and well, there were more than 30 dishes and it took her a lot of time and energy to do that.

Remember that it is entirely possible to create a space that works for us and that works for us, instead of us having to serve our space, there is no point in wasting our time and energy on things we don't need.

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