This weeks contest question 2
From the #ladiesofhive community

We have all had a person who has helped us grow. Sometimes that teacher taught us with love, other times learning was a challenge. We want you to tell us about that person who helped you in the evolution of your life, it could be a boss, a friend, an acquaintance, a coworker, etc.

In my life’s journey I have had encounter with a lot of people that has impacted me along the way one way or the other. I wasn’t really a Slow student in school at all, so I can’t really pin point a teacher in particular that helped me through any course because to be very honest, I was teachers Favourite and along the line I discovered bright students are always teachers favorite. All my teachers were amazing.

people who I can say have really contributed to my growth would be my family. From my mum to my dad to my elder sisters to brother, they have all helped shape and mold and guide me along my life’s journey.


my Odogwu


For the purpose of this article I would pick my husband man.
My husband is one person that has closely and immensely helped me grow from a small young girl to the woman I am today. It’s one of the very first things I loved about him. And am not picking him because I am in love or married to him.. I’ll let you judge for yourself, stay with me.

I remember When I just started courting him, he asked me what I was into buisness wise and I told him I had just started my event management business. He drilled me on a lot of questions about the line of business I was into because he too is in the entertainment industry and has a wide knowledge of things and that just how he is, so knowledgeable and has so much wisdom to offer everyone.

my very first business card

We had this talk and he encouraged as well as schooled me on what was obtainable in my line of business and how I could get visibility and grow. Two days later I got a package from him, and as soon as I opened it I saw a whole bunch of complimentary cards with my business name on it. My husband, then a boyfriend made me my first complimentary card for my business. I was in awe of how far he was willing to go to push me to be the best.

He has been my push in the past six years. When I feel lazy in any area of my life, he is the first to give me the pep talk I need to fuel my energy to do better at what ever I need to do. Over time I have found out that I rely alot on him unconsciously for morale and support.

This man has helped me grow spiritually as a Christian, I take one look at the amount of faith he exercises spiritually and I am left wanting to have that type of faith and courage.


More than half of the contracts I get are from how much he talks about me and my business to anyone and everyone. It’s the way he carries my buisness as his own. My personal PR personnel. One publicity from him and I get the best sales and job offers that whole month.

I am really grateful for the person of him in my life. He shuffles not only as my husband but as a teacher, even when I have the hardest head and wouldn’t listen sometimes, he is always willing to teach me. He shuffles as my driver, especially on days I have deliveries for suprise breakfast or birthday orders, he would drive me around till I am done with my deliveries, he is also my cheerleader, on days when I feel low in any aspect of my life, he reminds me of how amazing a woman I am and how I am doing so well for myself.

When I started as a writer on hive, he would always remind me of contents I can write about, when we go out he would see something and say to me ‘see content for your blog won’t you take a picture of it’.

Sometimes I really ask myself what I did to get such supportive man.

I can’t talk about my growth process in life without mentioning my man’s name. He always wants to see me do better and be the best at what ever I do. He isn’t perfect in any way, half the time I would like to take a cane and flog him (Lol), I guess every married woman feels this way sometimes. But he is everything And more I prayed for. A solid rock behind me any day Any time.

Hey @estherscott @jaydee10 i invite you to the #ladiesofhive community
Join in the amazing contests.


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