This week I will be answering the #ladiesofhive community contest question number two

How would you describe the traits of a successful woman?

Success is a relative term, it might have one dictionary meaning but it means different things to different people. To some being successful means having all the money in the world and enjoying the luxuries of life and living the good life. Some other persons might tell you being successful is being married, having a husband and children. To a working class woman who has worked her way up the ladder of the cooperate world success might just be for her, becoming the chief editor or managing director of that advertising company she had worked with from scratch for over ten years plus. To Such a lady, being married and having kids is not in her agenda and as such she doesn’t consider it as success, for her rather she might see it as obstacle to her goal to be the best and be on top in the cooperate world.


Success can be defined as having your goals or aims accomplished. It is a feeling of achievement and a sense of accomplishment. Mind you all of the success examples I meantioned above are all valid, to each their own, no one’s feeling of accomplishment is better of or lesser than another’s, that is why the term success is relative.

For me a successful woman would be all encompassing, succeeding and soaring in every sphere of her life, leaving her mark and impact in the sands of time. A woman with a giant stride, one who is a force to be reckoned with.
Some of the traits she should possess that would help her become and stay successful are;

God fearing;
A woman who loves the lord for me is well on her way to a path of success, a woman who puts God first and knows that her strength to succeed and make an impact in her life and world is dependent on her maker and lord.
Trust me nothing can stop her from succeeding.

Goal getter;
This is one trait I admire on any woman, whether you are up there or you are working your way towards your goals, I love a goal getter, a woman who stops at nothing to achieve her goals.


Now this is one thing I personally strive towards, I tell myself no matter how bad the world turns out daily, I should never loose my ability to be kind, compassionate and caring, it is one trait that endears you and put you at the top without you even knowing.

Solution provider;
No Matter the sphere of life you find yourself as a woman,as a wife or mother, being a solution provider is a trait that keeps you one step ahead always. Life is always looking for new ways to throw challenges at us but a woman who is a solution provider would surely be always alert and ready for whatever life may bring, and instead of nagging and lamenting, finding a solution keeps her ahead and on top.

Amongst the many other traits that makes a woman successful in her life and endeavors, these are my top four. Mind you having these traits is not a sure quarantee that you would be successful but, with such disposition, anyone with these traits has a fair chance to beat life to its tricks and a fair chance at success in what ever sphere of life.

I invite @marinnoluv and @winniecorp to tell us their own take on what traits a successful woman should possess.

Thank you for reading this post
See you in my next


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