Ladies of Hive #129: Holy week plans and flowers

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Hello beautiful Community Ladies of the Hive, I am very happy to participate in my first contest in the Community, to celebrate with you the arrival of the Spring Season.

Although the area where I live is very hot, it is beautiful to see how the flowers embellish every corner.

The country where I live experiences many changes in its climate, some days are very hot, others very cold, dry and rainy, depending on the region where you are.

This is a time to remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross, to keep promises and to be with family.

Through this post I would like to present my participation and answers to the lovely questions from Lady @kerrislravenhill.

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Easter Celebration🌸

🌸🌸🌸Spring is here. And it's Easter or Holy Week, religious or not, what were your special plans for this week that you and your family accomplished?🌸🌸🌸

I'm not the type of person who follows traditions, but Semana Santa, as we call it in Venezuela, is a very important date, ideal to rest and enjoy with the family.

This year I spent it quite quietly, taking advantage to rest since I have studied a lot, because I was also presenting my last evaluations of the semester, I was longing for a vacation. 😃😇

When the word Semana Santa is mentioned to me I immediately think of beaches, rivers, travel and food, mango juice, it doesn't even cross my mind to go to church, to follow the tradition that characterizes this celebration, I think it's partly because I was raised in a Christian home, so I respect others too, but that's really what I think.

In my country people usually travel with their families to the beach, rivers or any recreational place, others travel to visit their relatives, although this year I could not travel anywhere I enjoyed the company of my family and the delicious traditional food of these dates.

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What I like most about this time of the year, like all the other special dates, is the traditional food.

If you come to Venezuela you will find a varied menu of typical dishes of this date, plus each state has its own festive food.

This year I enjoyed the coconut preserves, rice pudding and coconut sweets, majaretes, all made by my grandmother Lourdes.

Every year my grandmother makes these sweets, I love it, this year I did not try the typical lechoza candy because my grandmother could not make it.😋

The good thing about this time of the year is that the house I go to always has sweets, this year I missed a lot of sweets to eat, but I still enjoyed it very much.

Another food that I love are the tortillas known as Cuajao, my maternal grandmother always makes them, a dish of food that is accompanied by stew of beans, salad, cassava, a delight for my palate

The good thing is that my grandmother let me repeat another dish, the truth is that I love to eat a lot on this date.

At this time of the year there is an abundance of mango crops of all kinds, each plate of food is accompanied by the family with mango juice, known as "carato de Mango", a delight, just by drinking a glass of juice you feel full.

For me to enjoy this time with my family is very important, all the cousins meet at my paternal grandmother's house to make jokes, they are very special moments.

Last weekend I ate so much food that I got sick, but I don't regret eating these delicacies every year.😋

This abuse with the food was due to the consumption of green mango that I ate with my cousins, is that it is normal to take advantage of this mango season, when it is green we make a mixture of sal, adobo, cubito para comerlo, tenia que aprovechar el momento, lo malo fue que me enferme😉

I actually spent a pretty quiet week, sleeping, watching movies, series with my parents.

Spend time with my family, friends and with my Boyfriend, this year was special.

This week I didn't have any specific plans to celebrate, what's more I don't make any plans, I just let myself be carried away by my parents' plans, because I live with them.😀

I will see what the next few years are preparing for me, perhaps it will encourage me more to make plans before the arrival of this season.

Well Community this is all, I hope you like my participation, until a next publication.

🌸Thanks for reading this content🌸



🌸All content is from @razzi11

🌸Translated in DeepL

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