Loh Contest #193 ~ What Celebration Means To Me.

Celebration is something I feel everyone should take seriously, but also have in mind that it is not compulsory. Celebration is not just an act of eating, drinking or being happy because you have achieved something. It is also a way to prove or show that you appreciate yourself for that thing you have claimed to achieve and it also means a lot to you.


I got a phone a few weeks ago and my friends told me to celebrate the phone, but I do not really see it as something serious that is worth celebrating. What I’m trying to say here is that we are different people and we tend to celebrate some things while we ignore some things maybe because some things are very much important to us than others.

I am a very big fan of celebration and I celebrate almost every little thing that I feel is worth celebrating like graduating from school or opening a shop. This does not mean that I am the kind of person who loves a very elaborate celebration. I love to do things all by myself. I could literally sit at home get a drink or food for myself to eat, watch some movie and call it a way to celebrate my little win because that is basically what I do.

How do I celebrate a job well done?

This is always in two ways. The first way is that if I achieved it alone, I am just going to celebrate it all by myself inside my house and there are times when I may be in my parents house because I love my family a lot and they are the best people that I feel I can celebrate with.


The second way I celebrate is going out with my friends to have fun, but this is if we all achieved that thing together and it is not a single thing that I achieved all by myself. These are the two ways in which I celebrate a job well done and when going out I do not really like to go to the restaurant for celebrations. I prefer to go to the club and that may be very expensive at times so the best bet is usually sitting at home , and celebrating in my own little way.

Thank you for reading my post!

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