Hello my fellow hivians, Happy new week to all of us here.
For this week there are amazing topics and special thanks to @jane1289 for the amazing choice of prompt.

I will be responding to the first question

The month of love is still in the air. As a lady, what do you consider more: Careful decisions about whom to love, or the freedom to be spontaneous about it? Do you care more about present moments or future results of your decisions? Why?

Still in the season of love
Indeed, love is a beautiful feeling; it's better felt than said. When it comes to loving someone, I give it to the ladies because we ladies have the heart; we are kind, caring, compassionate, and many more sweet attributes.


We women love better than men, and maybe that's why we have the birthing gift. For God to give the role of birthing to a woman, it means that no matter how harsh a woman can be, there's always a soft corner of love somewhere. And that motherly love makes a woman a woman. So before you see a lady who is harsh or cruel when in love, it means she's been deeply hurt; maybe it must have been when she was a teenager. You know that teenage first love stuff, Or she's been hurt deeply by her one true love.

But as for men, trust me, men are very calculative in love, but that doesn't mean they don't know how to love.For instance, you see a man in a relationship with a lady. This lady he's with already has his plan; he knows exactly what he wants, but he still goes after another lady whom he is lusting over or feels his mind will be satisfied with.


Taking full responsibility and making sure that his one true love lady doesn't know about his motives, betraying his love. Then they say it is in man's nature to cheat, and I ask what about the ladies?

These are my different views of how different genders love. Now the question is,

As a lady, when it comes to love, what do you consider more: careful decisions about whom to love or freedom to be spontaneous about it?


For a lady to be in a free and spontaneous relationship, it is really beautiful because it is particularly about you following your heart and letting your heart be guided by your emotions rather than always making plans. It just defines you as loving freely, with no expectations or reservations.

Well, that's not who I am when it comes to love. I'm the exact opposite, always making careful decisions about whom I'm in love with. This doesn't mean I don't know how to love freely; of course I can, but when it comes to relationships and love issues, I don't just let myself out.

The new era we are in doesn't really permit that, which is why most men see to it that they are stable in all aspects of their lives before they plan a family.

When I talk about careful decisions in love, I'm very particular about financial status, communication, and religious beliefs. Now let me explain:

Financial status: every day the cost of living increases, making it a bit difficult for a lot of people to survive. Imagine being in love with someone who turns to you every time he is in need, maybe because you are well-to-do and he's not, and with that, you can't benefit from him. That's the present. How do you think things will get better in the future if you intend on building a family with him?

For love, supporting your partner is a very important deal in relationships, and it's not ok for it to come from one person; it should come from both ends. Otherwise, how will you cope in the future with kids?

Next is communication: which is extremely important; it can be displayed as a gesture. As a lady, I can't be in love with or in a relationship with someone I can't communicate well with. It is impossible to love someone you don't enjoy talking to.

Imagine being in a serious situation where you can't be open with the one you love or being in a stressful condition where he's making matters worse instead of fueling them with love.

As ladies, how do you both resolve conflicts?

Sometimes resolving conflicts could be generalised based on family background, how did your parents normally resolve their conflicts, and how do you want to resolve yours now for the betterment of the future and your children?

Lastly Religious belief: I can't love a man who doesn't know God or believes in him or his existence.

For a lady, I really think putting all these into consideration for love is really important. And this is for me; I'll hope to read yours or your opinion.

This is my submission to ladies of Hive weekly prompt #173

Thank you very much for stopping by my blog, I appreciate your comments and show of love.

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