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LOH Contest - Am I a leader person or a follower, and why do I think that is?


I'm so glad I came across this week's Ladies of Hive challenge. It makes me step back a bit, and think about different moments in my life.

Some years ago, I worked for an American company. I was one of the best employees there. Every month they did a ranking of the people with the best performance and I was always in the top 3 or top 5 of more than 50 employees when the company grew I was already in the top 10 because there were people favored with better customers, and the problematic ones came to me because I somehow managed to deal with them. Several times there was a search for a new team leader who had to take over because either the previous team leader was leaving or a new team had to be created.

Each time I tried my luck too, but it didn't work out. I wasn't chosen for one. After so many failures I started to "research" the people who were chosen for the position, they were all skilled liars, manipulators, and downright mean people who constantly sucked up to the managers.

I am not that kind of person. Come to think of it, I'm glad they didn't choose me to be that team leader because I would have been one of them. A person willing to crush anyone who has an opinion.

What is a leader?

It's someone who seeks to train and support those around them to improve their workflow. He inspires you to be a better person. He makes your job easier and helps you when you need more knowledge or experience. He guides you up the ladder of success and keeps you going.

What is a dictator?

A person who pressures you to do something quickly almost regardless of whether you understand what needs to be done or not. Makes you feel bad for using manipulative methods to guilt you into thinking you are not good enough and that everyone is replaceable and that there will easily be 5 others like you to replace you.

What is a follower?

It is a person in many cases deprived of the ability to think. He's told you take this put it in this place and move on. And whether that's right, and whether there's a more optimal way to do it doesn't matter. The follower believes blindly, which is probably why his life is easier because he doesn't have to strain his mind and do something amazing that might make him stand out.

Am I a leader or do I follow leaders?

In that company, I was kind of in the middle. I often filled in for my team leader when he/she was on vacation. I made various improvements to get the job done better or how to accomplish a task more easily. Often when a new person was hired to the team, who's basic training was not enough was attached to me as I helped him/her get oriented and improve his/her work.

Eventually, I found out for myself that I could motivate the people around me. I manage to inspire people to do something in a fun and interesting way. I believe in good and without any manipulation, I manage to tell and show others different ways how to do a task. I'm an anxious person, and when I'm not confident in my words during an argument, I don't argue. I only fight tooth and nail when I am convinced I am right.

I want to invite @snedeva to participate in the contest!

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Thank you for reading and have a gorgeous day!