Ladies of Hive Contest #37 - Early Bird or Night Owl?


Let me start from the beginning. I am a Night Owl. In cases this is something good, in cases, this is something bad. It all depends on the specific action or a need.

I feel that I'm active more in the late hours, the best time for working for me is from 10 PM to 2 AM. This is good to use it now because I'm at home with my little boy in my motherhood (it lasts 2 years in my country) when it finishes I expect that I must be something more similar to the early bird because I must bring him to the kindergarten and to work. The good news is that I work from home. And I will have the chance to work at the best time for me.

According to Harvard Medical School everything is connected with our inner clock.

They explain what does the early bird and the night owl.

Being an early bird, or the opposite night owl is usually not something that is thought of as being highly under our control. Some people seem to be hardwired to sleep early, while others get a second wind and tend to sleep late. This internal clock is called our circadian rhythm, each person’s unique internal timekeeper and the body’s own master controller of many functions. Most obvious is our sleep patterns; however, our internal clock also plays a role in our hunger and eating patterns, hormone levels, and maybe even our mood.


The good news is that no matter what are you, you are still productive, just the time of the top performance is different.

I've found something interesting about the early birds and night owls sadly I think that some of them are wrong. Let's talk about them

1 - Early Birds are Persistent Perfectionists; Night Owls are Go-Getters

This one could be correct - I always want to show my best at work and in life at all. I am ready to go the extra mile to achieve success. Does this make me a go-getter?

2 - Early Birds Wake Up With Smiles; Night Owls with Frowns

Ok, this one could be correct, depends on when I must wake up. If you are like me a "night owl" getting up early can't make you smile in the morning. I need about half an hour to one hour after wake up to start to feel like a human, not a zombie-like creature. Now with a baby it is easy - he starts to talk or cry in the morning I get up fast and start to make breakfast - he doesn't see me frowning because I'm in a hurry up to make the breakfast and to change the diaper.

3 - Early Birds Are Proactive; Night Owls are Smarter

Have you heard "you look smarter when you don't talk"? I think that they've thought about this when they added it in their article. Again set in the same situation - the early bird and the night owl - at a specific time they show different replies. If you ask something an owl and early bird in the morning you will see how the bird is excited and answers the question with more ideas, while the owl will need some more time to assume the situation - why they are asking him this, or how could be solved better the issue. It is possible that this could be only me

4 - Early Birds like Tea; Night Owls like Alcohol

Baaam wrong. I'm a night owl and I don't like alcohol. I like coffee! It sounds like everybody who is active most of the time at night is an alcoholic - well you are wrong!

5 - Early Birds are Creative during Night Hours; Night Owls are Creative in Morning Hours

Baaam wrong. How to be creative in the mornings when you barely understand what are they talking to you? I worked in an American company that had shifts from 8:30 AM to 5 PM and from 5 PM to 1:30 AM. Guess when I was more productive?! We had some tasks every day. It looks like you don't have to think at all just do some stuff that must be done - just like a robot clicking several times with the mouse. So, when I was first shift I did them till lunch because I was not able to think clean. I was creative in the afternoons like from 3 PM to 5 PM.

6 - Early Birds are Older; Night Owls are Younger

I can agree with this with only one exception. Life changes every year, no, every moment. We got older. How to become a night owl when you have to wake up every day at 5 AM for work?! The human inner clock continues working and saves the pattern. I can't say that it is not possible to change the role but this brings a great amount of stress to the body and mind of the person.

7 - Early Birds Love Breakfast; Night Owls Love Dinner

I don't know what to say about this one. For long years I didn't have breakfast because I was in a hurry to go to work. But I loved having dinner. Now with a toddler at home every day, I get up and make breakfast for him. Sometimes I eat from it as well, but for sure we have dinner every night. This is the time when the entire family is in the house and spends some time before the early bird dad goes to sleep. I think that the little one is a night awl too, he is too young to figure out this. It could be a period from the coming teeth.


I want to invite @merit.ahama and @maryjacy to participate in the contest of Ladies of Hive

In the article I've expressed my thought about the article from

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Thank you for reading and have a gorgeous day!

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