Contest #105 || Give more value than you receive.


Cottonbro from Pexels

Hey! It's Monday and the start of a new week. Are we already getting ready for the rest of the day? As for me, I am super ready and I love the fact that I can start this Monday with something I would love to share with you all because it's a mantra I have always held onto and it has been working for me. Why not try it out if you haven't started or decide to continue with it if you are doing it?

This week's questions are brought to us by @ifarmgirl and I so much love both but I will only be going with the first option which says;

Do you have a personal guiding principle (or a mantra) by which you live? If you do, what is it and how is it impacting your life so far?

If you are looking forward to participating, kindly check the original contest here. but let me invite @mercysugar to this too.

“Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around. Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you. Spend your life with people who make you smile, laugh, and feel loved.”

Roy T. Bennett.

...Give more value than you receive.

I have always found Joy in giving value to everyone because it is what we can give out to the world to live the best life. Do you know it is what you give out that you receive? The world lies on reciprocity which isn't a must you get it back from someone you have once helped.

There is so much unspeakable Joy that comes from giving. Have you ever helped someone before? Like, one who needed help and realized that you are in the capacity to help put a smile on the person's face, how do you feel? There is this kind of feeling within that you get to make you feel fulfilled ever helping someone out.

The world is never equal because where you see those who are already wealthy and living fine, someone else is struggling to even eat a meal in a day and knowing that you could put food on their table for that day, weeks, or months is already a satisfaction for you.

I believe in the scripture that says givers never lack and to tell you the truth, the Bible doesn't lie because this mantra of giving as a way to give value has helped me get to this level today that I don't need to start crying, wailing or feeling depressed because I believe that the grace of God is sufficient for me and in different ways, I see blessings coming in for me. One thing about me is that I love to spend my time making others smile and this, I have received back.

It doesn't mean you giving out money alone. Value can come in different and various ways. When you go out of your way to help someone apart from money sometimes, it is something relieving for you because such a person might need that help at that moment.


Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

I love to give everything in me when I have the capacity and not only money, but my smile has gone a long way to lifting people's spirits. With my smile, I compliment others when they do well, put on nice shoes, attires etc. Perhaps someone is going through a challenge, just a smile and a word of compliment could ease the person off those worries in their mind.

I have given my time, money, resources, and positive facial expression and in many ways, they have come back to me even in the least expected ways. Some people need us and when we are in the capacity to help someone lifts their burden, then, for me, it's a kind of fulfilled life.

Everyone will not be alright at the same time. We need each other to be okay and when you are always available to give your time and resources to them, they feel elated and because of that, God blesses you and you live a fulfilled and amazing life.

What do you have that others do not have? It is what you have that is your value. Giving it out instead of expecting to be given is the best reward you will ever give to someone. Even if it doesn't pay off when you expect it, trust and believe that it will surely come back to you in the future.

When we are around those who appreciate and value us, we feel overwhelmed and lucky. This also can be to those we are around by putting smiles on their faces. This is a fulfilling life for us when we do. Don't stop giving more than you receive.

Thanks for your time


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