Young ladies discovering their potentials - LOH #171


Hello beautiful ladies, I believe you're all doing great.
Welcome to my blog.

This week's contest topics are very interesting and captivating.
I welcome everyone here to my blog, I want to share my little piece of advice for us ladies and I believe it will go a long way.

Life is filled with so many torns and it tends to have a greater effect on us women, It has made us to be identified as weaker persons by the society while we are the strongest. Weakness I see it as the state of the mind, and for us to take charge the world around us we have to abolish the weak mindset and stand up with the strength that we have, which will also go a long way in saving us from some of the unnecessary heartbreaks and pains we faced, also I have come to discover that we women or ladies are the most strongest people that can accommodate, tolerate, assimilate, digest and endure things, and come out with the solution also women are risk takers.

There is one of my Aunt's that I admire a lot because of the impact she has created in our community, she became a voice for the women, and stood up against the oppression of widows in community, and deed many other things, only to mention but a few, one day I asked her, aunty how did you start that you have such a great influence in the community, since women are seen as weaker souls and believe baby makers? Then she told me they believe that we are weak, but they forget that behind that weakness is a strength, wow, and we are not less of human as the men, we all have hidden potentials inside of us and it only takes our discovery to maximize it, without discovery it will remain hidden and we will be taken for granted, also we have to know our worth as women. When you know your worth that we put an end to some of the emotional trauma you would have faced.


Every female child is born with hidden potentials, and it takes self discovery to identify those potentials. Ladies we are all endowed with a great capacity to develop or create a society where our opinion counts, so we ought not to belittled ourselves because we are ladies.
We ladies ought to work on ourselves, discover the hidden potentials, build it and take charge, also we ought to work on our emotions, yes I know we are emotional beings, but we shouldn't allow our emotions to take a greater part of us thereby making us feel less ourselves. When potentials are discovered it limits some of the abuses we faced, we also have to be creative and innovative.
The society which we live in does not need weak women, it needs women with voice, women that can make an impact and their impact is felt, and that is only possible by potential discovery.

Discovering our potential is a journey of exploration that is tailored for our uniqueness as ladies, but it all starts with us understanding our uniqueness as ladies, because when that is done, we will understand our worth and that will limit some of the assault we faced because we are ladies. Discovering our potential pave way for success, which will lead to an independent life. Also pursuing achievement and success in our lives is a journey that will allow us to unearth our interests, passions and strengths.

With us discovering our worth and potentials as ladies we can change the world around us, and limit some of the assault we faced..
Thank you for reading.

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