The Ultimate perspective of people about me is being merciful #LOH188

Hello everyone,

I'm so excited about this week's topic, its a question that one needs to sit down reflect on it and give ourselves the sincere answer of how people see us.

How do people see you? How do you wish people saw you?

The way i myself is the exact way people will see me. If we desire that people see me differently, i need to start by changing how i see myself. Another thing is the way we perceive myself in the mirror may not always align with how people see me. This is because my perception of myself can be influenced by various factors like familiarity, self-criticism, and the way our brain processes my visual information.

I would like people to see me as one who is being merciful, because mercy is a virtue, and i expect other to see me as one that is merciful, because even the Bible records that "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy" for me to obtain mercy from God and from man i first need to be merciful to others as well.

When i looked at myself in a mirror, I'm not seeing myself as others do; rather I'm seeing my true self for who i am and the better person i want to become. Many people especially children tend to watch and learn from me consciously or unconsciously. It is important that i should accept and appreciate myself, having this understanding is an affirmative way to keep me going despite my limitations. I would love people to see me being loving, caring, happy, smart, and understanding both myself and to others as well. But i have to see myself in that perspective.

It is important that my self-perception affects my ability to achieve
this. When i believe in myself, i am more likely to be successful in those things.
In everything, i have both good and ugly moments in my lives, and those
life experiences have a powerful ability to shape my view of myself.
I get to hear people make comments like; I'm strong, loving, beautiful, kind, brave etc. what prompted them to say those things, it's because of the my perspective about myself which reflects in my actions. Although some traumatic life events, as losing a loved one or facing adversity, alter and affected most of these character in me. how i think about myself and if that persists that would also change the way people see us. So i overcome by professing positive and uplifting statements about myself with these affirmations i slowly nudge back toward a healthier version of myself by rewiring my thoughts to focus on the good that was there from the onset rather than the negative experienced that i had. And that is achieved through my steady and deliberate effort alongside with patience, it is possible to change how i see myself based on my past experiences and create a new realities that can lead me down in a more fulfilling path.


So i want people to see a kind hearted, a bold and courageous lady in me, one that seeks the well-being of other first, rather than a selfish, timid and arrogant person. And i believe that it is possible through self awareness. This allows and creates space from my emotions and becomes more mindful about being in charge of our journeys to be that better version of person i want people to see in me, with that it helps me to make decisions that align with those values, so developing self-awareness allows every area of my life to fall into place with what i want others to seee in me. Having this understanding of who i am becomes the foundation for everything else.
Apart from self-awareness, i need to believe in myself, my ability, and my capacity determines the extend to which i can achieve those things, also proving myself worthy of the things i profess, not only by my words also by my actions. Though believing in myself also demands time, patience, and resilience. It is a continuous process that i need not to be rushed about it. The perspective of people about me solely depends on my perspective about myself. If people see me to be strong, brave, humble, successful, caring etc that implies it is the attitude i display. People tend to see me the way i see myself and not the opposite of it. So if i wish and expect that they see me in a better and improved way. I need to work to achieve that.

So I would conclude by saying the prespective of people of me depends on my self-awareness, and my ability to believe in myself. And for people to see me better than they saw me initially, i need to work to achieve that as well. So the ultimate perspective of people about me, solely depends on me to be better, It is not my struggle that speaks rather it is my productivity that would change people's perspective about me and not my mere words.

Thank you for reading through ❤️

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