I am my top priority: Striking a balance between self and family LOH178

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog

It's a great and beautiful week, seeing this week's contest topics left me in a deep thought knowing fully well that family is important as well as myself, as I ponder deeper and look around me seeing the happening around I came to the conclusion that I am my top priority.

Oftentimes we women tend to be carried away by so many activities of life, work, and family forgetting that we also matter in all these activities, most times we don't even remember to eat, and at the end of the day we become so exhausted and drained out, leaving us to lie down as a plug of wood, just to wake up early the next day to continue with household chores.
This happens to me most of the time, but often seeing my mom being busy from morning to night, I was moved to ask, Do you ever have time for yourself? I had to let her understand that her physical and mental well-being should be prioritized, take care of yourself, as you are trying to fix other things in place, also try to fix yourself as well, always do what you can and leave the rest for another day.

But in today's world, one is easily seen as being selfish for trying to take care of herself first, followed by the family, but that shouldn't be a dwelling factor for any woman, because whatever we do there always tends to be opposition, so whatever seems right should be what should be done.

I came to realize that as much as family is important, we need our physical and mental well-being to function effectively in the family, because when we break down, either physically or mentally there will be loopholes in the family, and people around us tend to suffer as a result of that, and those things we would have done will not be done until we get back to our feet.

I am not selfish, for setting myself as my top priority, for as much as I love my family and will do whatever it takes to keep my family and keep up to my responsibilities as a wife and a mother to be, but my physical, mental and emotional sanity is paramount, I need to have the understanding that they are looking up to me as a mother.
Personally, my body reacts negatively when I'm stressed, having a severe headache, body weakness, etc. and if I persist, gradually i will lose weight and it will be so obvious. So when it's so I tend to suspend whenever I'm doing, take some rest for at least some hours, then when I'm refreshed I continue the work. I don't tread my well being for anything, because my family needs me to be strong and active.

In conclusion, although not married yet 🫣 but I will prioritize my physical, mental and emotional well-being, because these are the key factors that lead to a happy family, and the fulfillment of our responsibilities.

Thank you for reading to the end.
I still remain @pricelessudy

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