Embracing My New Look

Hello beautiful hivers,
Welcome to my blog.

I discovered that life is not as difficult as people make it seems, but we can choose to make it simple or choose to make it difficult depending on what we want. But I choose to make it simple.
I naturally love being on low cut although it makes me look small 🫣 but I derived pleasure doing that, not because I'm trying to save money, although doing that also help me save money, but that was not the driving force of me being on low cut. Being on low cut has helped me in some ways such as reduced itching scalp, and helps me to keep my scalp clean and healthy, promoting better scalp circulation, and also helps in stimulating healthier hair growth for me.

I am currently on low cut, and I enjoyed it so much, I had to trim off my hair because it was I wasn't comfortable with it anymore due to hair breakage and itching scalp, though It was treated, but it continued because of the texture of my hair, so I became tired and decided to have a new look by cutting it. and since then i decided to keep to that new look. Although leaving my hair makes me look much older and matured rather than having a little girl's face with low cut, but I choose to have that little girl's face 🤣.

I recalled when I went to cut the hair, i was so excited, I really wanted everyone to see my new look, it was really an amazing experience after a long while. So since then I embraced and loved this new look.

Cutting my hair is always a fun and empowering experience. It's a way to take control of my appearance boosting my confidence on my new styles. Although some people find it difficult to trim off their hair, but i enjoy the process of creating a new look.

I remember when a scenario that happened when I was about cutting my hair again, a young lady I met at the salon was begging me not to cut the cut, at first i thought she was joking but she became so serious, i was amaze that some poeople can put so much value on hair. But since it's something I do oftentimes and I enjoyed it, I had to continue with what I went to do, and she was feeling so sorry for my own hair.

Trimming of my hair makes me look much younger, it also enables me to save money on products and treatments that are used to counteract damage due to dryness, hair breakage, and itching.

So in all, no matter what hairstyle we choose, we ought to make sure it suits our lifestyle and lifts our confidence, and most importantly, ensuring we take the time to care for our hair properly.

Thank you for stopping to read.♥️

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