#Loh187 Independence Day: celebrating freedom and Unity

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog and happy new week. Special thanks to @Ladies of hive for a wonderful prompt.

October 1st marks a significant day that we Nigerians celebrate freedom and Unity of our people , this have been date in Nigeria's history as an Independence Day .it is always a national holiday for all because we are celebrating the freedom of our nation been free from British colonial who ruled over us in the past 1960. This is a day of reflection, celebration, and this day always remind the Nigerian about the journey toward national unity and development.
Independence Day in Nigeria is marked as a universal day of celebrations and activities that reflect the nation's vigorous culture and spirit.


Reason why we Nigerians celebrate independence day because it's the day our people in the past have the right and the ability to make decisions on their own and determine their own destiny, do this day represent the day that we Nigerians were free from external control of the colonists. This day so called to end colonial rule towards our people that is why this day is set aside for celebration.

This day also remind our the Nigerian no matter our different ethics group, different culture and different aspects of worship, the independence day give us room for we the Nigerian to come together celebrate our freedom and unity as one nation.

This day of independence remind us of our achievement and the challenges we have been facing this past years, this day provide an occasion for we the Nigerian to celebrate the progress we have achieved in terms of economic development, for this purpose we have democracy and we can exercise social justice.

So the main purpose of this independence day.is that we are celebrating the freedom and unity our people fought for in the past for our freedom .so this day was mainly for celebration of our victory.

Thank for stopping by
I care

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