[LOH#85] Ways i react to criticism

Hello beautiful women of the @ladiesofhive community

It's another amazing week with wonderful topics, but i will be choosing this one.

How do you handle corrections or criticisms from other people?


Criticism or correction must surely come because we are humans and we must make mistakes but the manner of approach when correcting someone really matters.

First, correction should come with love and good choice of words to the person you are correcting.
Often times, people do not take correction because it came out with the wrong choice of words(curse) or making the other people feel less of himself just because he made a mistake.

You don't necessarily have to tell the whole world about someone's mistake. Calling him or her in secret is another good approach to correct someone.
You can involve a third party maybe when the person doesn't want to listen to the correction.

How i handle criticism and correction:

When getting correction from people, i make sure i listen to what they have to say first. For someone to say something meaning I might have done something wrong.

Secondly i ponder on what was said, see where i made mistakes and make sure i work toward correction so i don't make such mistakes next time.

I would love to invite @adrianalara @prechyrukky to join in this contest.
You can know more about the contest here

Thanks for reading

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