Meme Queen of the Week

Hi ladies! It's been a while since I have been here, because life has been heeeectic! But I am very happy to be back and especially to see such a nice weekly challenge, because I love making memes!

So the one I have made for this week is:


I think it works nice with the women can do it atmosphere that we also have in the group here!

I am quite new to the whole meme-making thing, but I got really into it last year. I am a teacher and like everyone I had to deal with working from home and let me tell you: it is even harder to make kids do their homework at home than at school!
So I was looking for a way to motivate kids to hand in their homework and since whining or being grumpy usually doesn't work (and doesn't make me happy) I decided to look for a more positive way to get them to make their homework: I would send them reminders with cat memes...
And it worked! Here are some examples of the memes I used for the kids:



I can really recommend using memes to get things done, especially when working online as people care a lot less about getting things done in time!

Thanks for organizing this fun meme contest @brittandjosie!
For this week I would like to ask @ludmila.kyriakou to have a look at our community!

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