Traits of a successful WOMAN - LOH Contest #89

Success means different things to different people. People set different standards for themselves to measure their success and if you don’t, you risk the society setting one for you. The thing with letting society set standards for you is that it’s not usually healthy and could sometimes transform you into something you don’t recognize. There was a time when a woman’s success was measured by how early she got married and the type of man she had in her life or how many children she had and how they turned out. This is no longer the case. Women are rising above the norm, these days. They are pushing boundaries and dominating.

Image by Paul Leng from Pixabay

As a young woman in these times, I’m forced to set high standards for myself as mediocrity is gradually becoming unacceptable. In my opinion, it’s simply wrong to force your standards on someone or force them to use your standards as a yardstick to measure theirs or their successes and I’ve come to terms with the fact that what I perceive as traits of being a successful woman might be slightly or totally different from someone else’s. I call it ‘respecting people’s opinions. On that note, I’ve decided that there are things I’ll see or observe in a woman, and I’ll agree that that woman is indeed a successful woman.

A positive attitude: Attitude is everything and I believe a woman should be a shining example of a positive attitude. I have seen beautiful ladies who are supposed to command respect being disrespected simply because they have foul attitudes. In my opinion, if you have a foul attitude then, you should not be considered successful because that attitude could make you lose everything in a matter of time.

High-esteem and Confidence: This might as well be the beginning of success for a woman. If a woman lacks these, not only will she be unable to brave it, but she’ll also be made a doormat by anyone who wishes to.

Self-discipline: A successful woman must show control of herself in all aspects of her life.

Embraces her identity: We can’t deny our nature.

Our generation is so busy trying to prove that women can do everything men can do, women are losing the unique feminine qualities that set us apart. Women weren’t created to do everything a man can do… Women were created to do everything a man can’t do. - Unknown.

A woman should be nurturing, powerful, compassionate, persevering, strong, bold, fierce, tender-hearted, and her meekness not misplaced for weakness. I believe that a successful woman should embrace her identity and not one who cowers under pressure and becomes something she’s not.

Financial freedom: This is a very important point to me. To me, a successful woman must have attained financial freedom. You may not necessarily have acquired landed properties, but you should be able to take care of your basic needs without sucking up to anyone. This isn’t intended to pressure anyone, but I believe you are on your way to success if you are working towards achieving financial freedom. When you have it, you don’t need to compromise your standards in a lot of cases.

Content: A successful woman, by all standards, should be content. Being content saves you from a lot of mess. The reason a lot of ladies have landed in deep trouble is simply discontentment. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive to be better; it only means you won’t be pressured into doing the unspeakable just because you want something someone else has.

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Being a successful woman comes with a lot of hard work but when you become one, you do not need to preach for others to see it.

I invite @niglys to join this community and contest.

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