"Mother's Gratitude: Celebrating International Women's Day" LOH #176

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and herself only.”
– Maya Angelou


Annyeonghaseyo chingu (Hello friends) It's Maya, how are you today? I would like to greet all of the woman's out there a "Happy International Women's Day". How's your day ladies of hive? Have you already celebrate your day? If not, go out or go some outdoor activities and celebrate with your mother, grandma, niece, cousins or with your friends, to make this day or month more memorable. 😊✨

Today, we celebrating Women's Month, so what I like being a woman? It's a simple word "having a social role". Being a woman can result from finding fulfillment in roles traditionally associated with femininity, such as nurturing, caring for others, developing relationships, and contributing to family and community dynamics.

So, for today's blog is about how I celebrate Women's Day with my one and only beautiful mother, to give gratitude of the sacrifices she made and the love that she give. Let's get started!





In the afternoon of March 8, 2024, me and my mother planned to go out and to buy some of my materials in my school report or instructional materials at the new opened department store here in my town. Where as we were leaving our house my godfather who is with my father that day, give me a money, so that I can treat my mother to a fastfood chain.

While we are walking I ask my mother if where she want to eat but she said that we will go to A|M Vip Department store first. When we are at the Department store, I buy my materials while my mother is looking for a slipper. As a good daughter, I buy it for her and I also buy one for my father, why not? I love both of them. 😁🫶🏻


After that, I pay what we buy and we got 3 Tickets where we need to scratch it to have a Price depends on what is written at the back of that scratch. Lucky, out of 3 tickets we got 1 Lucky Price which is this cute pink Plastic Bottle.


As we past to many fastfood chain, my mother said that she would try the new Coffee Store named 37° Coffee, sorry I didn't take a photo of that store. So, while we are waiting of our order I buy 2 burger and 2 burger hotdog, and came back to the coffee store.





Then, we decide to eat all of this at plaza, we find bleacher to sit so that we can eat. We take photos together before we eat, how cute my mother in this photos. This is also the way to celebrate her birthday, because her birthday is March 9, a double celebration. As we finished the food, we go home and I give to my youngest brother and to my father the burger hotdog that we didn't eat because we are full.

To end this blog, I would like to say that, as long as we are here, enjoy and make a memories with your love ones, because we don't know what will happen tomorrow. So that, as we celebrating the International Women's Day, make some memories and be thankful for what you have and who you are right now.

As what Michelle Obama said “Today, we are celebrating the strength, determination, and resilience of women everywhere.”

You've reached the end of my blog, Thank you for reading chingu.😁😇

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