From Childhood Dreams to Worldwide Impact—LOH #152

Hello to all the ladies in the Ladies of Hive Community!
I am glad to be here again. This time to answer a very important and powerful question.
I will choose only one of the contest questions and focus on it.

”If you had fame guaranteed by destiny, what would be the reason for your fame? What would you be famous for?”

As I said earlier, this question is very significant and influential because I have often wondered what it would be like to have fame guaranteed by destiny.
To be known and respected for something I am truly passionate about.

My dream has always been centered around counseling - the ability to solve people's problems through advice and care.
From a young age, I discovered the joy of helping others navigate through life's challenges, and it has become my lifelong mission to make a positive impact on people's lives.


As a child, I found myself naturally drawn to offering advice and support to my friends. Whether it was helping them through a difficult situation or simply being a listening ear, I felt a sense of fulfillment in knowing that my words could bring comfort and guidance.
Those early experiences shaped my future and ignited a passion within me.

As I grew older, my desire to help others became intensified. I began extending my counsel to those even older than me, finding solace in the knowledge that my advice could make a tangible difference in their lives.
Witnessing the positive outcomes and seeing the happiness my advice brought to others fueled my ambition to pursue a path of counseling on a larger scale.

So many times, I have envisioned a world where I have the opportunity to help countless individuals across the globe.
I will imagine myself in a television show somehow, engaging with people near and far, assisting them wherever I can. I will unconsciously smile and wish it could be real.
“Aunty wake up! stop smiling stupidly” My sister will laugh and wake me from that beautiful imagination.

If I had fame guaranteed by destiny, I would love to be a counselor with the aim of reaching people from all walks of life, offering them a safe space to seek guidance and support.
From relationship advice to personal growth strategies, I aspire to provide practical and compassionate solutions to the challenges that life throws our way.

I believe the beauty of counseling lies in its ability to empower individuals to overcome obstacles and unlock their full potential.
By sharing my insights, experiences, and proven strategies, I truly hope to inspire others to embrace personal growth, build resilience, and cultivate meaningful relationships.
Through this relationships, we can create a ripple effect of positivity and make this world a better place, one person at a time.

Even though I'm studying medical science, I was able to choose a course with unlimited career options where I can still incorporate counseling into my career.
I could become a scientific researcher who focuses on mental health or maybe develop therapies that combine scientific knowledge with counseling techniques. Anyhow, I just hope there are many ways I can combine my interests and make a difference.

However, we are in a world where fame is often associated with superficiality and self-indulgence, my dream of being famous for counseling stems from a genuine desire to make a difference.
Even if I can't reach this height, I will endeavor to use my gift to help others.
The love, respect, and gratitude I receive from those I help are far more valuable to me than any fleeting moment of fame.

Made with love 💕

I express my gratitude to @irenenavarroart and the LOH community as a whole for these wonderful questions. Honestly, this prompt has enabled me to put down what has existed only in my imagination.
I will love to invite @ginika to join this contest.
I appreciate all my readers for your time and support🤗.

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