[112] My choice gift

I'm delighted to be with you ladies again this week through my participation of 112 ladies of hive contest. The part that required participants to talk about a gift they would want from someone really got my interest and boom, I'll be writing on that.

One would wonder, what sort of gift could really appeal to @pearlie123? It's kinda funny but it's damn serious. If given the opportunity to make a choice, I'll go for an Iron savings box.


A savings box is a kind of rectangular shaped structure usually made of wood which is meant for saving of money and important things by an individual. You might wonder why a savings box(Iron) when the bank is more reliable?

My reasons are not far-fetched, there right below:

  • I'll go for an Iron savings box because it's gonna help me budget well. Actually I do spend money frivolously on things I do not really want because I have the money with me and it's accessible, even with my debit card I can always get my cash, that's the main reason why the bank isn't helping matters. An iron savings box is very difficult to break when compared to a savings box made of wood of which I usually break at anytime when in need of cash for less important stuffs, it could only be broken with the aid of a blacksmith and his instruments, so you can really see with me, my reason for not just a savings box but one made with Iron.

Here's another reason:

  • Recently, my bank has been giving me seriousy headache, it is fond of having one problem or the other and this puts me in lots of financial distress, waste of time, energy and resources. With a savings box, I won't experience any of that, I can always keep my money in the comfort of my home in safety.

A week ago, I met a blacksmith in my locality and after talking things out, he arrived at approximately 18 hive as the amount of money to be paid for the iron savings box, I couldn't afford it so I backed off, but I'm quite sure that @ijelady, @anitaking and of course our well to do @ladies of hive can get me my desired gift.

Always rememberI love you all, and do have a pleasant/Stress-free week ahead.

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