LOH CONTEST #160 - Letter to my uncle

It's so sad that most people only get to genuinely appreciate the presence of people when they are gone.

If I were to write a letter to one person who had died, that would be my uncle. He was someone who had a lot of impact on my life and that of my family. I would say, "If not for him, there were things we would not have been able to achieve today," but bitterness and anger clouded my sense of reasoning and judgement and made me forget all the good he did, simply because of something hurtful he did to me when I was planning my wedding. I was so angry with him that there was a time he was in my city and wanted to come see my new home and greet me. When he called, I told him I was not at home.

Six months after my wedding, he passed away. I was filled with regret. I wish I did not allow anger to take over. It was at that moment that I realized how good he was to me and my family.


If it were possible for him to read a letter in heaven, I would definitely write this.

Dear uncle
It is so unfortunate that it had to take you leaving this world for me to realize what a wonderful person you were.

Thank you for all you did for my family and me. It is because of you that I still have a good relationship with my dad.

Thank you for your words of wisdom. Thank you for not giving up on me.

I am sorry for everything I must have said and done to you when I was angry. Now I know differently and understand better.

Truly, there are people in your life, business, career, family, or endeavors whose value you never get to quantify or appreciate until either they are gone or you make a conscious and deliberate effort to appreciate and value them.


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