LOH #192 - Friendship Goes Far Beyond Casual Acquaintances. 

Hello, Beautiful ladies and happy new week🤗 it's my pleasure to answer one of the questions given by @merit.ahama.

Personally, I think friendship is a strong and beautiful bond that's shared between two or more people knitted by a common interest with mutual understanding, trust, respect, support, and acceptance, where they all can be themselves without the fear of being judged or the pressure of assuming another character. Friendship goes far beyond casual acquaintances.


Back to the question: yes, for me, friendship means alot. I don't know if it is just me, but there is this beautiful feeling of joy, hope, assurance, and comfort that friendship brings when you have genuine and sincere friends in your corner.

Friends that celebrate with you in your happy moments and provide comfort and support during your difficult and challenging moments. Friends that are willing to listen to all you have to say, offer advice when and where needed, and know all about your strengths and weaknesses. Friends that knows your secrets, and you are assured of their confidentiality.


And as for the second question, if I can make new friends easily, I would say it can be either easy or challenging, depending on my mood, environment, the person, common interests, etc. One major filter I examine every friend request through is the question, "What value will this person bring to my life, career, and destiny?" Friendships are expensive; they require a lot of your time, energy, resources, etc. True friendship will demand the investment of your personality.

So, while I admire the idea of friendship, I do not treat it casually. I understand the depth of responsibility and investment needed.


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