
There was no call, text, or WhatsApp message from Sola in the few days that followed. A part of me always knew that Sola would not be the one to show up for me every time I needed him.

There were practical examples to prove this over the years during the period we dated. I saw the signs but I didn’t care because I was in love, wholeheartedly in love.

Before I go further, I’d like to say that pregnant women deserve a special kind of care. In the days before I found out I was pregnant and the weeks that followed, I was the most miserable I had ever been. I would lay in bed all day not caring for a bath or food. I felt weak, confused, moody, and full of dislike for myself.

I was sick with constant headaches, belly cramps, sour throat, my mouth tasted like bile and I could barely stand for up to 60 seconds without feeling like I would pass out.


I think what hurt the most was how unavailable Sola had been; physically, emotionally, and financially. Here I was, dealing with all of these on my own when I didn’t impregnate myself It does take two to tango, why then was I doing this alone?

Sola finally called after I sent a message threatening to inform his older siblings and his parents of my pregnancy. He asked that we meet up at his place to talk about the baby to which I agreed.

Some minutes into our conversation, he offered me a juice I gladly accepted without thinking twice. The first reason was my taste buds were acting up that day and the second reason was he was my boyfriend.

The juice tasted odd, but I shook it off assuming it was just my taste buds. I also noticed some sediment at the bottom of the glass. When I showed it to him, he said it was just the regular fruit extracts in the juice. My instincts told me to not down that drink but I ignored it because I just couldn’t picture Sola hurting me… dumb me.

Surprisingly, Sola was very nice to me and even said we could keep the baby. In his exact words;

“Tammy, let’s keep the baby, I understand your fears and I'm sorry I even suggested having an abortion in the first place, we’d be fine Tamara.”


To say I was surprised would be an understatement, I was shocked and happy at the same time. So, in my heart, I named my baby. Things were about to look real good…or so I thought.

I woke up to a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. First, it was mild, then it became the most excruciating pain I had ever felt. I ran to the restroom bleeding. I started to cry for my baby because I knew it had to be the baby.

Sola insisted that it was normal to experience light bleeding or spotting during the first trimester. He even started doing his own google research right in my presence.


It became so bad that I had to be rushed to a nearby hospital. Honestly, I was so scared I thought I’d die. The only thing I could think of was how disappointed my folks would be if they found out what really happened.

Long story short, I did lose the baby. Nothing made sense to me at that point.

Why did it have to be the first night I spent with Sola that I had a miscarriage?

What was it about that drink that just didn’t sit right with me?

Why did he suddenly have a change of heart with regards to keeping the baby?

So many questions are left unanswered.

When I was certified fit to return home, I searched for the pack of juice Sola had served me from, it was surprisingly empty, and so was the half-filled glass of juice that I left before retiring to bed the previous night?

According to Sola, he drank all of it including the leftover in the cup. It made no sense. Why would you want to drink something left uncovered for hours?

When I confronted Sola about my miscarriage, he flared up so bad that I was afraid he would hit me. Regardless of what anyone says to me, I know without a doubt that Sola harmed my baby.

It was bad enough that he didn't want it, but what he did to me could have killed me. I bled for days. It’s not exactly the best thing I want to remember right now.

I have sleepless nights because I’m still curious about what really happened.

Sola, this man… this man has hurt me in many ways than one, I am broken for the one I lost, the one I never got to meet.



This is certainly NOT the love of my life. This has become the worst nightmare of my life.

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