LOH 178 _ Family Is the Number One Thing That Concerns Me!


This is a question that has been asked in the ladiesof hive community! Let me explain it as it is, this phrase "Family comes first" has been ringing in my head since I was a little child. That's what they would say at school, church, home and everywhere. That's how a child grows up knowing that their family is the first source of love, support and care they will get in this life. They will be there for you when trouble strikes or when success comes. That's how it is!

After many years now, I have experienced this myself. My family was there for me when I struggled with work, relationships and other things that disrupted my life. Not only when things were rough, even when I was celebrating good times they would complain that they missed me. In fact, the only reason I'm still standing is because of my family!

The phrase "Family comes first" has shown me the true meaning of unconditional love. What this means is that you will get love that has no conditions, one that does not break no matter what happens. That kind of love is rare and precious which is why it's important to stay close to your family at all times.

When I look at the other phrase "I am my top priority" it makes some sense, as it's important to put yourself first too in some kind of situations. But at the same time, it misses a very important part of life - walking together with people who truly know and appreciate you. Only they you can trust 100%.

Family are people who will advise you when you've messed up, encourage you when things are not easy and also celebrate you when you win. That strength and support they provide is not everything that you can put yourself as "priority number one."

It's true that sometimes you will need to prioritize yourself like for work, school or hustling. But then after all that, let family still remain the foundation that you will always go back to. It would not be wise to ditch them at all costs because only they can give you the true happiness and love that the body craves.

So in conclusion, I totally agree with the phrase "Family comes first." Family is the most important thing in life, they are worth every sacrifice and struggle. No matter what happens, let's stick together as a family forever!

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