Lost Souls LOH #188

This is the first time I have been a part of the Ladies of Hive community. And I'm so happy that I can also contribute to this community and be a part of the mission of "women empowerment". Thanks, ladies for this awe-inspiring community. You can see my Introduction Post. As a newbie, I dont know much I recently got to know about the ladies of the hive community that's why my post is "last" but not least. I saw the ladies of Hive post today in which they suggested two topics to write both interesting and engaging. Here is the Contest Post LINK .


1️⃣ How have you handled being the “new kid” in your lifetime?

2️⃣ How do people see you? How do you wish people saw you?

I'm writing on only the second topic which is quite interesting.

Among the crowd of billions who call themselves humans, I want to see those who are soulful.

How do people see you?

People who don’t judge on appearances but inner beauty of a person, those who love without any demands, those who believe that god lives in our hearts and hurting someone means hurting God. It's not common in the schools and colleges of Pakistan to bully students. but for me, it's something unique and new coming I never expected the thing I always heard in drama serials would face me in the future.


Being a food lover means you are always craving junk food which eventually results in me being a chubby girl, but that’s not an issue because I can play with my friends, my reading abilities made me win first price in my class last year, my writing passion will surely take me long way ahead one day, I can understand the pain of hunger in the eyes of people on the road.

The issue is people who judge me over my appearance, not my soul, I am tired of listening.

"Hey, fatso I can’t find burgers over the canteen did you eat all of them."

"Haha now miss fatso will compete with me in exams are you sure that questions are questions or burgers in front of you."

How do you wish people saw you?

Now these sentences break my enthusiasm and belief in my abilities, only if these same people can appreciate mine or anyone else’s abilities instead of physical appearances.

Would not the world appear to be a beautiful place where we all live with love, care, respect, and appreciation? Why do people always love beautiful faces? smart and slim body? Are chubby people not created by god??

A world where you don’t have to fear other people's opinions or judgments over you, a place where you only have to use your energy positively over yourself, to develop your skills to improve your inner self.

Because in the end only thing that would survive is our souls, not our bodies, no matter what your religion is you have to die one day and leave your body here just to deform.

What type of person you are? Are you one who judges someone over appearance or someone who is in love with beautiful souls?

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