Ladies of Hive Community Contest #156 - Sometimes all we have is Hope

This week @LadiesofHive - Contest #156 questions are:
1️⃣ Share a story on how you overcome feeling despondent, disillusioned, or filled with skepticism when you realize exactly what's going on around you?
~ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~
2️⃣ What makes you hold onto hope? Enlighten us on something you do to create a safe, positive space around yourself, to boost the belief or conviction to always look for the cloud with a silver lining, even if it means starting again?


I am going ahead answering the 2nd question.

Have you read my Hive profile tag line? It says;
However difficult it may seem, there is always something we can do and succeed at

Hope is the strongest pillar of any success. Very wisely said; Disappointments are finite and Hope is infinite. The whole world runs on Hope and when we give up on hope the story ends.

Personally, for me, I have a strong belief in a higher power who is always looking at us and guiding us. Whenever I am in a distress situation, I turn to this Higher power with a hope that a way will be paved out for me to deal with the distress situation. No one has seen God but yet we all have faith in God and we all hope that this God is always going to help us in times of our need.

Let me share my small personal story with you; which I have also mentioned couple of times before. In 2020 my hubby was very sick, he was down with Myasthenia Gravis symptoms, and there came a point when I had almost lost him. I was not at all ready to let him go and in my mind, I would keep saying to the Universe that I am going to fight it out and get him back his life.

I had very strong faith in my prayers and belief that I am going to win this situation, no matter however hard it is going to be. But there was one time when I broke down. It was 3 weeks after the surgery, he was moved out of the ICU. I was happy and I felt that I had won this battle. To my utter shock, that same night he again collapsed and it was bad then before. He was again moved to the ICU. At this point of time, I lost my balance and I felt completely lost. I remember, I went to the washroom and cried and cried asking God, why this, should I trust him or not, should I have faith in him or not.

This is a picture of one of my community's Angel Hosting Rituals. I like staying connected with these powers.

When I came out of the washroom, the security in-charge came to me, he knew me very well by now because of my long stay at the hospital. He consoled me saying have faith, your husband will be fine. He was so kind and loving in that moment, it felt like God himself had come down to console me and just this brief interaction with him, revived my Hope again. I gathered myself up and did some deep breathing and meditation to calm down. And with a new Hope I started tending to my hubby with faith in the higher power that he would take care of this situation.

All throughout my hospital stay, I must have heard this word Hope 1000s of times. The Doctors would keep telling me. Just Hope that everything goes fine, just hope that the treatment works, just hope that his breathing regulates, just hope that the infection level comes down, just hope that he responds positively to the medications. And I hoped and hoped all of that with a lot of unquestionable faith. And then miracles did happen after taking me through some of the thorniest paths of my life. He started showing improvement signs and stability after 6 months and from there on his recovery began which took almost another 1 year. There also came a time during his treatment, when the Doctors would ask me, what do you think, will this work or not, because his case had become so hopeless at one point of time, and I would tell them, just go ahead with it, it's going to work fine. In all this while I kept telling myself, no matter however dark my nights and day are in that moment, but there is surely going to be a bright sunshine for me soon. Countless miracles happened with me during this time, and I believe it was just all on one thing, that was the Hope that I had with all my faith in it.

Hope was the only thing I had in that moment and I had that Hope with unquestionable faith which helped me succeed. When we lose our hope into anything that we want, I believe that the Universe also gives up on us and stops supporting us. There is no other medicine in this world like Hope.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



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