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Ladies of Hive Community Contest #158 - My Personal Diary


Write a blog with 500 words on any topic, as you would do in your diary. The diary is a free write but must be true, up close and personal!

The question for this week @LadiesofHive - Contest - #158


From a very young age I have been fond of writing and 35 years back there was no access to computers so I had Diaries and I would write in them.

The questions say write something as you would write in your diary. Let me share everything about my Diary.
When I started writing, in my school days, it was about love and those teenage crushes and heartbreaks....hehehe, it was not my original writing, any content that I would like from any read, I would note it down in my Diary.

This is my School time Diary; you will see the year 1988. I am a hoarder and these things are of great sentimental value for me. I do not think I will ever discard them till I am alive. Then I am sure all of this will be gone and that's perfectly alright
In those times, I would always draw up something relevant next to whatever I wrote. When I look back at these writings one thing, I see is that I really had very good handwriting :-), which has now all gone for a toss :-)

After my schooling, I almost stopped writing, I got married early, had my son also at a very early age and got involved in life activities. In my early 30s I again felt the urge of starting my Diaries and this time most of the content was spiritual content on life and healing. As time passed by, I started writing about my feelings, emotions and experiences of life. Here most of them were the bitter experiences of life which I never felt confident of sharing with anyone and I would write them down in my Diaries. I am not sharing that Diary here, but I have it preserved.

As I progress and matured in the so-called school of life my writings also changed, I started journaling the lessons I learned from my experiences. My writings started getting more and more positive. And then I started writing about Healing, which was very profound for me. This is how my diaries have evolved over a period of time.

When I started writing on Hive 6 years back, it was more about Crystals, Healing and Yoga. While all of these are still very much important part of my life and they go on, but I do not write much about them these days. These days I enjoy writing about my travels. I have so much to share on that front as well and it's a good feeling writing about the travel experiences. You can see my previous blogs 5 to 6 years back and compare them to the last 1-year blogs, you will see this difference. I like to go with what my heart loves to do and enjoys the most. Also, over a period of time I have had this feeling to not share every part of my life openly and for that reason I do not write about many parts of my life over here. I do give some glimpses once in a while but I avoid writing too much in detail. In this moment my travel experiences, a little part of my daily life, sometimes my messed-up emotions and some happy moments are something that I feel safe sharing with here.

With time passing by on Hive, I am writing more about my real time life and sharing my thoughts and viewpoints on various subjects where I feel closely connected. This is where I feel closely connected with the people who read my blog. I am sure we all have our writing journey in life and here on Hive which keeps changing and evolving with time. For me writing now is all about expressing my heart, what I think and what I feel. Even when I am not at my best, I will like to share that because it helps me face my dark side.

This is my current Diary, which is all about spiritual things. I write everything about my Spiritual journey in this book.

I have a collection of blank diaries also. I have liked them and bought them but never felt like using them. They are so beautiful that I want to keep them as is, like this one, it has some beautiful quotes on every single page.

For the last 10 years I have been writing very minimally in my diary and turned to online writing. This is also fun, convenient and easy, but yes writing is always fun at all times.
What I enjoy writing is about my day-to-day life experiences, my spiritual journey, about healing and about life in general.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ



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