Ladies of Hive Community Contest #122 - Beauty of the Heart and Mind and not of the Looks

For this week @LadiesofHive - Contest I would be giving out my responses on both the questions
1️⃣ Why do you think society places such a high value on beauty
when it serves no functional purpose?
~ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~
2️⃣ What job would you be absolutely terrible at?
Personally, I feel that it is not wrong to value beauty. It is a good part of life. If we do not have the virtue of appreciating beauty in any form, be it the beauty of looks or the beauty of nature then we are lacking Gratitude in some way. The problem is giving it a value in many other comparisons, especially when it comes to the beauty of good looks.

It is true that the society largely judges us with many things like Good looks, our Financial status and the positions that we hold in society and we give value to these rather than seeing the value in who we truly are. A rich woman with no beauty also gets value in the society. Or a dumb woman with great looks is given more attention to. These are the conditioning of our mind, that what looks appealing and glamorous is good. We do not take the effort of dwelling deeper.

In this fast-track world when everything is on fast track and things happen instantly so are our minds functioning in similar manner, we make fast judgements and come to quick conclusions by just seeing what we see from the outside. I sailed in the same boat some years ago. The place that I worked in had diversity from all regions of India, and there are regions in India where people have dark skin and somewhere I had this block that a dark skin person does not appeal me. Sorry no offence to anyone, but I am just admitting the blocks that I had once upon a time. When I started working with them, I was feeling shameful, because these people in intelligence and wisdom were far better than me. That's how my opinion changed.


At the same time once I was travelling with a very low mood, and on the flight next to me was a middle-aged lady. She looked very rough and not very neatly dressed as well. As we took off and I was in my gloomy mood, she held my hand and asked me what was wrong with me. I wanted to avoid her, as I felt, what will she understand. Then she herself made some advances in conversations, and gradually I realized that she was talking a lot of sense with me. In those 2 hours we had some deep meaningful conversations. Then I asked her, what was her background and she turned out to be a very big shot. She was the secretary to the Governor of Reserve Bank of India. I was stunned, because her looks and appearance no where seemed to be close to her position. I refused to believe and she gave me her visiting card asking me to visit whenever next I would be in her town.

That's how most of us perceive looks, because that's the way we are conditioned in our minds. But the reality is that looks are deceptive and they should never be given importance unless knowing the person as a whole.
Here comes my answer to the second question
What job am I terrible at- I feel that I can do most of the things. I am not absolutely terrible at doing any job, because I try and put in a lot of effort in whatever I do. But still Cooking is something where I go wrong at many times and one job that I do not even wish to do or enjoy doing it on a regular basis. I can cook and there are some dishes which I make very well. But I do keep messing up a lot, specially trying out on new dishes. If I have to try out something new, I do it when no one is around at home, because if it messes up, I just discard the full thing...hahaha and that's how I get saved from family scolding :-) I have a cook at my home and I enjoy her food. On a daily basis it gives me a headache to think what has to be cooked. I better leave that job for the experts. My hubby is a good cook and he has pampered me right from the beginning on this. The day I cook, everyone is in dilemma if they would get food on the table or not. Sometimes it can turn out excellent or it can be a total disaster also.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



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