A Note To My Fellow Ladies. - LOH171

Dear Sisters: Wisdom From One Girl to Another



As someone just a few years into embracing all the chaos of young adulthood herself, I want to pass along the bits of wisdom I’ve gathered so far, one girl to another. Because the truth is, we’re all stumbling through figuring out life and our places in it day by day. It can feel really isolating and even scary as we navigate coming into our own. But you should know there’s always a sisterhood here ready to hold your hand or catch you before the falls.

My biggest lesson so far? Build community among other women whenever and however you can! Seek out both peers and mentors to swap stories and dreams with. No matter how different our backgrounds, we all face universal growing pains and victories as girls becoming women. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable about your insecurities, confusion or times you feel utterly lost. I promise you won’t be judged - we’ve all been there! And you’ll likely find inspiration or guidance to try a new way forward.

Love boldly and give others the grace we wish for ourselves. Even when it’s difficult. Our culture often pits girls against each other out of jealousy and self-doubt. But real confidence comes from celebrating one another’s badass talents rather than tearing accomplishments down. I know it isn’t always easy to make the first move or see the best in those different from us. But even little acts of making space go a long way. Listen earnestly, speak up respectfully, allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised! The media feeds us constant messages that girls are catty and competitive. Together we can reveal a truer sister story.

Yes, chase down every wild ambition that calls your name! But also embrace the journey, not just the achievement itself. Not everything unfolds on our perfect timelines. And the messy parts often end up unlocking our best creativity and resilience. Some of the most rewarding blessings take crazy unexpected turns getting there. So stay open and attentive - opportunity hides in strange places. As the saying goes, the flowers bloom brightest cracked through the concrete.

Make lots of time for nurturing your spirit too, not just doing constant grind. Culture pushes us into hustle mode 24/7, leaving little energy left to just breathe and be. But moving through the world with intentionality allows so much beauty to speak. Dance under stars, belly laugh until you snort, burst into ridiculous songs. Write poems, get lost in paintings, have dance parties for one. Don’t let adulthood dim your inner light. We glow brightest when uniquely ourselves, weirdness and all!

And most importantly, know that you are enough, exactly as you are in this moment. Not some polished future version of yourself, not someone else’s best self. Wherever you stand right now untangling your path ahead is already holy ground. Struggle can come with the territory of boldly growing into ourselves. But through all the twists and turns, we walk the way together - no need to hide the messy parts or pretend “having it all” figured out. Everything unfolds in due time if we keep faith.

Dream wildly and fearlessly, sisters. Laugh hysterically when life gets too serious. Lift each other up. Rediscover daily delights hiding patiently under your nose. Then, watch how your newly rooted confidence blossoms lighting up the whole world. Us girls blazing trails ablaze together? Now that’s an unstoppable force.

In solidarity,
Your Sister Finding Her Way Too💕💕

Thanks for reading here❤️❤️

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