Ladies of Hive Contest # 61 / My Three Wishes

Considering that 2022 is just around the corner.... When I read in the Ladies of Hive publication that I would be granted three wishes, I immediately thought of losing the pounds that I didn't lose this year and that have been accumulating for several years. Hahaha!


But then I thought that I can be more altruistic, that I can dream bigger, and I immediately thought of my beautiful Venezuela and how many things I want for my country.


The first thing that comes to mind is the economic situation, how wonderful it would be to have sustainable economic growth, with a decent minimum wage so that those who receive it can live with peace of mind and not survive on that small salary, here in this group are also the pensioners, who after so many years of work barely receive the equivalent of a little more than $1 per month.

It would also be wonderful to see an increase in the number of sources of employment and private investment, so that many professionals who have left the country could return to practice their profession here.

My second wish is that all public systems work as they should. Public hospitals are lacking in everything, those who need to use the health system must carry even syringes. In the public schools, even the facilities are in continuous detriment. The national electrical system fails without warning. And water service is scarce in most of the country.

I can't imagine how wonderful it would be to live here in Venezuela with all the basic services functioning like a first world country.

My third wish is that all those who have felt obliged to emigrate from the country, and feel that the conditions are in place for them to return, may return. May the families that have been scattered around the world be reunited.


More than half of my immediate family is out of the country, and they don't even know my children except through social networks. I also have very dear friends who left the country and whom I have not hugged for several years.

I know that for everything to work well it requires a great economic investment, as well as the desire to do things well (which is the scarcest thing), and even if the whole process were to start today, it would take several years to see the change.

I loved dreaming about my prosperous Venezuela, thank you @joanstewart for choosing this theme for the contest.

Today I invite @jennivic to participate in this beautiful community.

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