Ladies of Hive Contest - Early to rise or Late to sleep?

Early to rise or Late to sleep.png

This is the first contest that I am participating. Thank you for the great opportunity to participate Ladies of Hive!

I think that I'm more close to the night owl. But sometimes this has to be changed because it ruins your productiveness.


I was thinking about what to write about it and I made a small research. The idea of the chronotypes came in front of me.

Understanding your sleep ‘chronotype’

Scientists use different terminology to describe the distinct kinds of sleepers – chronotype. The word chronotype describes individual tendencies toward the timing of activity and rest each day. Early birds are also called larks, while night owls are still night owls. Each are shaped by biological and genetic forces, but also by lifestyle, mood, how you think and sleep.

My body and soul beg for sleep. I just love to sleep. If I have the chance to sleep I think I can sleep all day long. Sadly I have some tasks and I must go to work if I want to survive as well...

I see that most of my productiveness is at the late hours. In the afternoons or at midnight. Working in the light hours of the day brings me more stress, because of the people flow around me or from the traffic jam that I hear from the window. They all are distracting me. Then comes the dark (night) hours - everybody is sleeping or just relaxing on the sofa. There is no buzzing around from the roommates and I can focus my mind on the specific task.

Yes, I can't turn on the vacuum machine at the night, but still, I have lots of things that I can do.

After a couple of months, I decided that it is a great idea to learn a new language. I started - don't think that I'm good in that language (Netherlandish) but I'm trying to memorize some phrases and words. I try to find the pronunciation of some words.

Everything started with one love song...


I've studied English and German language in high school. And I was fascinated by this language. It sounds like a mixture of both of them and some of their own words. This language has one very specific "kh" sound.

So the night owl found what to do in the late hours...

At the end I want to invite @disi to participate in the contest!
The used images in this article have been created via Canva

Thank you for your stop by!

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