Let me take you to my fantasy world- Aprilinleo

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I always dreamed of sleeping one day and waking up in a whole new world. The world where we have different elements and colours, is opposite to what we have here. The sun is not so scorching hot, and the moon doesn't shine white; instead, it shines in different colours all night . Grass is not green as it is not on the other side too, and flowers are not grown in plants or trees but suspended in the air, floating around us spreading their scents in the atmosphere, the rain is showered from the clouds in various colours. The rainbows are everywhere filling the Earth with its vibrant colours.

Every fruit is sweet and juicy, and we can eat our favorite foods whenever we crave it. No one goes without food. People are happy and content; no one suffers. Children are playing running around the trees shouting with joy. It's a perfect world for them where all their desires are fulfilled keeping their innocence intact.

Houses are full of stars and beautiful lights sparkling everywhere. Butterflies flying around happy people, fluttering their shiny wings spreading smiles everywhere. People are celebrating the happiness and joy in their lives after living a miserable life on Earth. They are happy with their loved ones and not afraid of losing them ever.

There are beautiful beaches, and the sea is calm as if after a long storm it found its peace. Fish are visible under the sea as the water is as clear as crystal. The colorful swarm of fish can be seen easily. It all feels so calming and cool.

Imagine living in a world without faults, a perfect place. Where things can materialize once you imagine them. I can manifest my own fate and be content with what I get because that's what I wanted.

The perfect world of my dreams exists somewhere in a faraway land which has not yet been seen or touched by humans. It's not yet been spoiled; it's still clean. The stars are visible in the night sky. The ocean is clear. The trees are laden with fruits as sweet as honey. The streams of clear water are flowing through the mountains and hills washing it all day. The smell of fresh flowers and rain is unimaginably wonderful.

I need to feel the freshness of air and see the cleanliness of the oceans. I want to watch the shooting stars every night with my loved ones. Look at the clouds at day time, forming different shapes. I need that hope and gay. I need to be free of worries and woes.

I know one day I will wake up in my dream land. I need that peace and quiet, where I can see no one suffers. As everyone deserves that happiness and contention in their lives. There is no war and hunger. Just peace and happiness everywhere. There is no discrimination and no racism. Everyone is considered equal. Love is not so scarce. It's distributed free in every household. No one knows what hate means.

This is my fantasy land, all of it can only happen there but I still wish I could wake up one day and find myself walking along the sparkling beach with rainbows everywhere and butterfly fluttering their colourful wings spreading smiles.

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