Job stress- Contest # 182

I have always enjoyed my work and been able to balance both work and home life. My work can be very demanding sometimes, as I have to materialize the imagination of my clients. I need to be more focus and pay attention to small details. I always wanted a job where I can be creative but sometimes it's stressful when clients ask for multiple revisions. Recently I have started working from home, which has its own pros and cons.


I have found working from home more easier. I used to do house chores in-between work, but sometimes problem arise when I have too much work pressure and kids don't understand why mommy is grumpy. Normally I am a cool mom. So I set a schedule for work and everything else.

I am also carer of my special sister. So sometimes it become tricky when she is having hard days. I am also relieved that I am there when she needs me.

In the beginning I used to get stressed out easily but now I have learned to handle work-home balance. I have set time for work and house chores and some family time so I won't be lacking in any front. After very long I am able to manage my life peacefully and I am proud of myself.

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