RE: [LOH#121] Know When You're In Love And Build A Healthy Relationship


Well... song dedication I will do now ...

your points are going too deep... but I believe most of them are physically attracted or want security or money...

That being said I have written so many articles on marriage but now I will say why marry, why can't you live without it, its for society and for legal issues...

Nah... trust, connection, liking to spend time together, able to share stuff and never get bored with the partner, and able to be yourself and accepted is impt I guess...

I was supposed to marry someone, but had to refuse because he did not actually like me as I am...liked the horescope, had insecurity and trust issues and finding faults and making accusations... and not liking what you do...

So, I hope people are able to choose love also, besides money, need for physical relationship and security... because ultimately that relationship is hallow, its not fun...

Yup... you have to have a lot of fun with the person your in love, else makes no sense... its waste of time!!

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