As I sat in the park that morning, watching as the kids laughed and played, I couldn't help but think of the responsibility that comes with parenting.

It's a role that goes beyond providing food and shelter - it is about shaping the next generation and instilling values that will last a lifetime. This made me think back of my childhood and my parents who had an impact in my life.


Though imperfect, my parents possessed qualities essential for effective parenting. Most importantly, they were present. They attended my school events, sport games and every parent-teacher meetings. They actively engaged in my life, making me understand that I was valued and that I mattered. This is a lesson that has stayed with me to this day.

Another quality they possessed was empathy. I remember how my parents could put themselves in my shoes, understanding my perspectives even if they disagreed with it. This made me to feel heard and seen which is important for building trust and strong relationships. Even when I made mistakes, they didn't scold or belittle me. Instead, they used those moments as an opportunity to teach and guide me. From them, I learned to appreciate and value relationship with positive mindset.

They were consistent in their care and attention towards us. They taught me the importance of accountability and it helped me develop self-discipline. They didn't play favourite or make excuses. This taught me that everyone is equal and that everyone deserves respect, regardless of their circumstances or where they come from.


My parents were patient and understanding. They knew that I would make mistakes and that I needed time to grow. They didn't expect me to be perfect and they didn't pressure me. Instead, with their patience and understanding, they helped me develop in my own pace.

They were my role models. Their lives was all about integrity, honesty and compassion - it was something they demonstrated daily. They taught me that it is essential to do what you say and not just to say without doing.

Watching the children play, I realized that presence, empathy, consistency and patience are very important for effective parenting. These values allow parents to build strong relationships with their children and also teach them valuable lessons.

In today's world, it is more easier to get distracted or get caught up in work, social media and other technologies. But, hard as it may be, parenting requires presence and engagement. Parents must be willing to put efforts and time to build strong relationships with their children. Parents must ve willing to listen to their concerns and validate their feelings.

In today's society where bullying, discrimination and social inequality are present, empathy from parents towards the children is very important. Parents should be able to understand the experiences of their children, even if it is different from their own. This empathy allows the children to learn compassion and kindness and as well, respect towards others.

Children need to clear boundaries and consequences to feel secure. Parents must be consistent and fair. They need to know what is expected of them. This in return will teach the children responsibility and accountability.

Rather than criticize, blame or even shame their child, parents should be willing to offer guidance and support. This allows them to persevere.

Parents must demonstrate these values as this would in return make them role models for their children.


Parenting is a responsibility that requires all these vital qualities. I hope that as a parent, you will take these to heart and strive to be the best parent you can be for the sake of the children and the society at large.

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