The proudest moment of my life

Good day ladies of hive and welcome to my blog once again .

When I saw this week prompt I felt so excited because this is one thing I have always wanted to share and boom here is the privilege.

It all happened years back when I decided to pursue my passion for modeling.i had always loved or inspire to become a model someday,but I never thought I was good enough to make it in a career.But I took a hold step and I invested so much and started building my portfolio.
Since then I have had the best opportunity to work with so many amazing people,capturing breathtaking moments and I even have some of my work featured in some display .

One of the most proudest moments was when I was hired in one of the best modeling agency in Nigeria.
Looking back and seeing how much I have achieved so far I can say I’m so proud of myself.

This moment made me to realize one should never be discouraged from his or her ambitions learn to be positive and you would surely see results at the end of it .
Bye guys see you guys in my next blog.

Images are mine

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