The annoying trait that my man has that I wish he could get rid of .#153.

The most annoying trait my partner has is his anger issues and inability to control his temper. I wish more than anything he could find a way to manage his emotions better. His outbursts put a huge strain on our relationship and make me feel like I'm walking on eggshells.

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I never know what might set him off on any given day. Sometimes the smallest, most insignificant things will trigger a full-on rage. He has slammed doors, punched walls, thrown things, and yelled hurtful comments all because of some minor annoyance. I tell him over and over that he needs to find more constructive ways to deal with frustration but he refuses to listen. His anger really affects me. I get scared when he flies off the handle over trivial matters. I try to shield myself from it but there's nothing much I can do.

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I wish he would consider therapy or anger management classes. Bottling up emotions is not healthy and they're bound to boil over. He needs tools to communicate in a calm, thoughtful manner rather than lashing out. I know he feels bad after he loses his temper but the damage is already done.

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I love my partner deeply but his anger issues put a strain on our relationship. If he could find a way to control his outbursts and not overreact to small problems, we'd all be much happier. I'm hopeful he can make progress but he needs to be willing to put in the work, both for his own wellbeing and for our family. I'll continue encouraging him but at some point he has to take responsibility for managing his emotions appropriately.

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