Sight through time || LOH contest #162

Which would you prefer: to be able to see the future or to be able to see the past?

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This question is really a thought-provoking one and well, is worth asking. Most times we dwell on the past and find it hard to move on from it eithrr because of a mistake or a memory made. Some other times, we focus on the future wondering what ot will bring and when it will bring it. This made me come up with a quote and it goes, "Yesterday is gone but the traces are still here; clean them, keep them is today's decision and tomorrow, it will think for itself."
Because i think that the past and the Future are connected in a way. So, while we don't want to be held back by our past, our choices today may determine our future.

So, my answer to the question may be a little twisted as i borrow the lines of J.cole, the rapper in his and bia's song called London when he said, "how can i choose between this one and that one when i know that i can have both?"

So, yes! If you guessed right. I would want to see both the past and the future. Seeing the past would revive some good memories and for the bad, i learn my lessons and remind myself of what not to do again. Seeing the future eoyld help me know what to get prepared for now. What skills to learn and things like that.

But if i must choose one, then, I'll choose seeing the future. The past has happened and in my opinion not so gone but is still gone, do you get? But if i seebthe future, i have opportunity to hone some skills i need. Make preparations for opportunities ill get or an event in the future. Better still, i get a shot at changing or preventing something from happening. There are so many things i can do with seeing yhe future but I think that since the past has happened...just let it be. Better still, don't see any of them and just keep it pushing


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