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Hello, hivians.

1️⃣ Do you have a personal guiding principle (or a mantra) by which you live? If you do, what is it and how is it impacting your life so far?

Picture is mine
This is a beautiful question for this week and it's brought to us by @ifarmgirl.
As humans, we all have principles and things that are part of us.

Personally, my guiding principle is love. Loving myself, staying healthy, and doing things that I love.

I love and care for myself a lot and no matter how busy I am I will always create time to take care of myself because my health is very important to me.

I have heard several times people break down because of work stress and all this happens because they didn't give time to take care of their selves.

Self-love is what I practice every day and I have told a lot of people to do the same.

When you love yourself you will be who are you, not what people want you to be and sure live the best life you want.

When you spend time doing what you love, then you will enjoy your life. I am the type of person that will never do what I don't derive joy in doing. For example, being on hive and creating content is what I enjoy doing and it makes me feel good always. There is always this kind of happiness I feel inside me whenever I am hiving. If I don't enjoy doing something, then I don't do it.

Many ways self-love has impacted my life
•No matter the situation I will never compare myself to anybody and won't ever feel burdened if someone is doing better than me instead I will work to improve where I am lacking and get myself up

•it has taught me to love my life regardless of anything or any situation I am in and not blame myself

•I don't think about other people's negative opinions of myself because I know I am the best version of God's creation.

•It has helped me get rid of depression, you know there are times we face difficult situations and problems and we feel like it is the end of the world for us but whenever I remember how important my life is and how I care so much of myself I let go of any negative feeling.

•it has helped me to surround myself with people who love and care about me and teach me to stay away from negative people

So, I will tell us all to learn to practise self-love and live by it.

I invite @Kei2, @glorydee, and @geelocks to participate. The details for the contest here

Thanks for reading, sending love❤️🥰